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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. I’ve never had the chance or thought about selling any of mine. But I did build on for my MD a few years ago and gave it to him when it was done. It really feels weird seeing all my build pics of it and the completed model and to have never had it in my display case to look at all the time. I showed this thread to my wife. Of course she is now encouraging me to sell my stash and my built kits. 🤪 That woman be crazy.
  2. Oh, not me. I had to be one of the first to pre order it. Kit sits on the shelf of my build table. Is it wrong to put a new unopened kit on the SOD?
  3. Excellent! Turned out great.
  4. Thanks! Never in my life did I ever think this was a possible goal.
  5. Ok, just an update if anyone else hits the brick wall like I did. It was either a real Derp! Moment or an “I’m so brilliant!” Moment. I’ll let you decide. Duh…. just follow the lines with a straight edge leaving a hair line of blue instead of cutting into the white. Wet the decal and the blue falls off with a little help. The target… Applied in three parts Just got to eyeball the straight line if you don’t have a panel line to follow Got it in place. The cut edges seem to lift ever so slightly. Probably because I put too much pressure on the knife. So I soaked it with red microsol and left the room to let it do it’s magic.
  6. So I reached the stage of decaling my Fisher Cougar. And of course as my luck seems to go sometimes, the kit decals are old and brittle. Even Microsol liquid decal film didn’t help, it just let them curl up and not lay flat. I’ve never had this issue with decals and have used the liquid film with success in the past. I’ve come to the conclusion I’m just going to apply some generic stars and bars with Navy on the sides. Nothing fancy, no unit markings, etc. Here’s the issue. Model is gloss sea blue. I need the stars and bars without the blue background. Anyone know of a company still making/selling these? I thought my Trumpeter GSB Skyraider kit I used as a donor for the guppy might have them but they also have the blue surround.
  7. Thanks! Want an even better shot?
  8. Well it seems like I have had another “hobby” sneak up on me. And I swear, it was unintentional. My yard. 😐 I guess buying a Ferrari of a mower back in March might have had some influence on me. Last home all I did was pay a guy to come do the post and pre emergent weed killers and fertilizers. Now I’m way out in the boonies I better figure it out myself or be happy cutting a mix of weeds and grass. Just yesterday I dropped $400 on pro level chemicals and a battery powered sprayer. Spent probably 8 to 10 hours on YouTube and websites reading up on weeds, grass and chemicals. Oh, and throw in yard leveling using masons sand. That will be the big agenda next spring. Yard looks smooth until you start mowing and then it’s like being on the back of a bucking bronco. When the place was built 15 years ago they cut down about a half dozen big trees, ground up the stumps and now the old stump remains are rotting and sinking in. For some reason the new place is reacting well to anything I apply or do. I never got those results at the old home. I guess it has fueled the enthusiasm for getting this done. pic of Ferrari on the left next to the old clunker The weed patch I’m working with
  9. https://spruebrothers.com/trp03230-1-32-trumpeter-f-35c-lightning-ii/ Although a bit pricy, but to be expected with todays rising costs of shipping across the pond. I’m sure at some point I’ll wind up with one to go with my A model. Now someone bring on the B!
  10. I think that’s the only national insignia I would attempt to paint. Round stencil, one color. But I’m sure I’d figure out how to screw it up. 🤡
  11. Freeze the parts and tap lightly and pull them apart. Never tried it but I’ve heard freezing CA glue joints makes it brittle.
  12. I have a large parts drawer full of chunks of foam just for this. I will add though, if you are shooting lacquer paints now, make sure it does not attack the packing foam and melt into the edges where it rests against the plastic. I do know lacquer melts some of the types of foam they use for packing materials.
  13. He’s helping me look for that one tiny part that I can’t seem to find.
  14. Man, we don’t speak those funny C numbers down here! LOL! Around here it’s the humidity that chokes you up. But we’ve had a strange summer this year. May was nice, June was extremely warmer than usual with a few days just over 100 degrees (F) but kind lower than usual on the humidity but still high enough to open the door to the screen porch in the morning and say “Nope”. We had a very dry June with almost no rain. Just a pop up storm here and there. Water bill doubled keeping the grass alive. My old place we moved from I was getting peak summer water bills above $300 a month on city water. Here I’m in a completely different county and my highest bill was $85. I’m about to dump big bucks in the old well to use for watering. Not to save money, but to have un-chlorinated water to keep the grass alive. July seemed to rain every other day, high humidity as usual that created the daily pop up storms. It was tough getting out to mow the lawn. August seemed to start out normal with high temps in the mid 90’s and stifling humidity. I was looking at the lawn all last week needing mowing and kept telling myself…Saturday will be cooler and drier, wait….It was. it is nice though to just walk down the sidewalk and get in the lake to cool off.
  15. And busier than ever! How the heck did that happen? Might get a job so I can slow down a little.
  16. Yes Martin, we call this swamp ass season down here. I literally sat in my truck with no AC and drove 5 miles to the garbage drop off and back. Well, unloaded 4 bags of trash while there. Got home and had to change my shirt. Soaked.
  17. “Cold front” coming through tonight with drier air. Looks like I can’t use the “Too damned hot and humid” excuse for a while to sit at the bench. Just this afternoon the wife was going over her want list of projects. Hot tub drink tables, shelves for pictures on the wall, laundry room table, steps/deck for hot tub, lower the kitchen countertop riser over the sink (Yea, moron builder put it at eye level for short wives so they can’t see out the back door into the lake view while making my sandwich), trim the over growth along the shoreline blocking the view, pressure wash everything…..I guess retirement comes with a gotcha clause Cant wait for winter to get here! Or rainy days. 😆
  18. Fisher Cougar I started back in May. Finally got paint on this morning! So many times this kit almost hit the SOD. Latest was the faring on the fuselage was smaller than the canopy base. Lots of filler! 3 months! And I’m retired too!
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  19. Hope they don’t call the A Team. Those Mini-14’s they used never hit anything but fence posts and bumpers.
  20. Yea, conversion is where I’m going. Speaking of….thread creep…. Meet Cousin Eddie. My sons “V6 1996 Mustang”. Twin turbo LS swapped. He glued this crap,together over the past three years to get it to Mustang Week at Myrtle Beach last week. The week before he was swapping the short block with a Pull A Part truck motor. And he got it done in time to drive it from Charleston, even with the non-fitting Camaro radiator. Hmmm, can’t remember if I’ve already posted this here or not.
  21. It’s a damned shame Ford didn’t built the newer retro T-bird on a Mustang chassis instead of that stupid jag platform. That car would be worth a fortune today with Mustang guys. Imagine that with a Coyote under the hood.
  22. Another shot of the ‘55
  23. Just something about that classic ‘57 look though. I found a rag top my son said I could probably trade for. Fully restored. And as you said Ernie, that’s the problem. It’s all original. I want a modern upgraded suspension, stock LS, quiet exhaust, AC, power windows, etc. As I told my wife, that $125,000 convertible would be a money and time pit. Here’s a modernized ‘55 my son is driving for his boss. He bought it to flip it. Of course he paid full retail plus on a dying classic. Not many want these like they use to.
  24. Ok, I was waiting on Ernie to jump in and nock over all the dominos. OK guys, y’all go for the stash. I want the ‘57. I’ve even thought about selling the ’66 Mustang GT Fastback or trading it for one. But something tells me that wouldn’t fly with the wife.
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