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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Oops! I just counted 12 phantoms in the old stash location. See, I’m worse than I thought I was. 🤪
  2. This was the biggest part of my stash before I had to box it all up for the move. I kind of miss having them all out for my own “display” setup in my basement. Now they are all in moving boxes in lofts I built in my new garage. Just no room in my shared downstairs. This is this all along the right side loft and the one in the top left corner of the pic.
  3. I was going to guess a 1/32 C-5 Galaxy.
  4. Amateur’s stash! Mines all boxed up, but off the top of my head….all 1/32 of course 6 or 7 ea. F-16 kits. 9 12 ea. Phantoms. 5 are Tamiya. Rest are Revell. 2 ea. A-10’s 3 ea. F-18’s. C, E & F 2 ea. T-6 Texans 2 ea. C-5 Galaxie’s (Derp! 1/144) 2ea. F-105’s 2 ea B-17’s 2 ea B-25’s edit: 3-1/48 C-130’s to add And to add icing to the cake, I’ve already built 3 Phantoms and 8 F-16 kits. Which reminds me. I need to get off the internet and go visit my building bench!
  5. Obnoxious smells? Takes me back to my youth spraying lacquers in the body shop during the early ‘80’s! But yea, I switched over to MRP and Mr. Color lacquers this year. Love the results and the stroll down memory lane when using them. But proper ventilation is a must! I still have quite a bit of my Tamiya acrylics left and I’ll slowly use them up.
  6. Just ordered a couple more sets for my KH Texans.
  7. Just read he was still alive and in hospice. Even though, time is short. Grew up watching Wally and the Beaver.
  8. A story about women selling their breast milk came up on another forum. I took the opportunity to meme my grandson.
  9. How does one create the part/program? any scan tools out there? Well, low cost scan tools that is. With all the “Missing part from Trumpeter” threads I’ve seen over the years, this could be very beneficial.
  10. I use to tease an old employee that had a Puerto Rican flag on his desk all the time. I would ask what ties did he have to Texas or why the Texas flag. Of course him being Puerto Rican, he would get a little hot under the collar. But that was half the fun.
  11. https://www.sfgate.com/realestate/article/california-home-listing-mystery-room-17303685.php room for stash and the built! Talk about taking a lifetime to fill it with built models….
      • 5
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      • Haha
  12. I just now walked to the mailbox and got my order in finally. Wow! Almost feels like cheating. These are amazing.
  13. Getting bored waiting on coats of putty to dry on the Fisher Cougar so I decided to pull the old C-17 out of the moving box labeled “shelf of doom”. I forgot how long ago I started this kit. It has that nasty Squadron green putty on it. I started using Tamiya white at least 5 or 6 years ago. Let me see if I can straighten out these amateur mistakes I made probably 10-15 years ago.
  14. Pucker factor 8.8
  15. Looks like a great time by all! But why’s that cowboy carrying around that Puerto Rico flag?
  16. I had UPS back down my driveway for a package I was waiting on. Then he left. No delivery. I got in my car and chased him down. Apparently it was not on his truck but in his delivery computer. Got it the next day. As far as dealers go, when I retired on April 15th my coworkers that no nothing about the hobby got me a $250 gift certificate to Mega Hobby. Yea, talk about high prices and no inventory.
  17. Eventually? 😁
  18. Since I’m full on kit needs, I’m going to start ordering a few AM items for my stash. Just placed an order this morning for the Trumpeter A6-A interior kit since it has a fish bowl cockpit. Kind of a pricy AM accessory for a kit, but with a cockpit this large why not go for it! Now I need to figure out which other kits I have in the stash are deserving of this kind of love.
  19. So sorry for your loss. It’s the one thing that really sucks about having pets. Last year one of my guys at work had to have his cat of 19 years put to sleep. Our pup of 13 years had get put down just before Christmas as well. Man, it was hard.
  20. Uh oh. Another Ernie. Not another liquor swilling rabble rouser are you? Not sure how we could handle two here. Welcome to the forums! I too am lucky to finish a couple a year. Probably even less since I retired!
  21. I can only do that around here in a very limited time of the year. Obviously winter is too cold. But our summers have such high humidity that any lacquer paints would blush like crazy and have that nasty white haze over everything. I drop my AC in the man cave down to 69 degrees and go at it!
  22. Hey Peter, sounds like some good precautions. May I add that you leave the fan running for a half hour to an hour as the paint dries? While paint dries it’s still emitting the same chemicals as when you’re spraying them.
  23. Wasn’t there a similar story with one about to get converted and a guy discovered is was something like the lead C-47 in the D-Day invasion?
  24. No. I think that was the problem.
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