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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Yea, I got the same email. I wish them all the luck and prosperity and hope they can bring Squadron back to what it used to be when I got into the hobby. I'm in no position to be building or buying right now, but when the time comes it will be good to have them back to look at for stock. I'm still confused over the Free Time Hobbies sale and what happened. I remember buying from them when they were in GA and they had great stock and pricing. Seems when they were bought out and relocated to NC (I think it is), things weren't as shiny anymore.
  2. Bottom two items on this page. https://coldwarstudio.com/Resin Detail Sets 1/32 scale category/
  3. My understanding is that about the only way to get their products is to catch them at the Nats when they bring stock. I have some of their products, but it came from the person doing the masters and casting for them. And this was years ago I got them. I tried as you have been with no luck.
  4. FWIW, You can pre-order them. I just ordered my set. 27.32 EUR
  5. So a couple or three weeks back I had to put all of my kits into a non-climate controlled storage unit until I can devise a storage shelf up high in my garage. Obviously I kept my resin kits and accessories in my new place since I know what heat would do to them. But with our summer temps here in SC easily into the 100 degree mark, it has me wondering if I should expedite getting these kits to my new place sooner. Anyone ever keep kits stored in a high heat and humidity location? I have the kits all boxed up in moving boxes, but obviously some are no longer shrink wrapped. I’m just afraid of heat warping the parts and decals going bad.
  6. Anyone here see the link on TOS about the new turrets coming? https://aeroscale.net/news/seamless-liberator-turrets
  7. Well if we want to get specific....(LOL!) I have Photography thrown into the mix myself. Models as a kid, early teen years/9th grade got into photography then cars (completely forgot about models at this time since I caught the fumes- Gas fumes from cars and perfumes from the girls!) Caught my wife around '88 and got involved in RC while we were dating/early years of marriage. Hung onto that hobby until I gave up because I never could go flying due to taking care of kids on the weekend while she worked. Bought a few rifles around '94, went shooting at a local range now and then. Around '99 I sold it all off and bought my '66 Mustang GT project and a few models in between along with picking up a few guns here and there. Mustang is about done, I think I've reached burn out stage where I need to drive it or sell it. Around '07 I got back into photography. Canon 5D Classic, L lenses, 7D, etc... Now I think I'm getting too old to haul all this heave gear around. Might sell it all off along with the '66. Of course with the new home and all the wild life around me, I might pick the cameras back up again soon.
  8. LOL! I moved from RC back to plastic. I sometimes still miss it too.
  9. I didn’t have good luck with the fit of the Revell kit parts. Scoop, interior structure was too wide and I had to sand it down to fit inside the fuselage. Bad gaps on wing parts, etc...
  10. The first mow!!
  11. Got one in the stash that I’ve put aside in the “too sell” boxes. Just not sure what all I can keep now with a smaller home.
  12. Just to screw with Murphy I’ve been known to keep looking for something after I’ve found it. That’s right. I showed him who the boss was!
  13. Last time I saw a Cougar she was willing to pay $300.....
  14. got the AF version too. Also have a Panther kit, Ryan kit too.
  15. Moving time depends on buying and sales/closing dates. We still own our old home, but it is on the market. We priced it high hoping to take advantage of the crazy real estate market. After we get it cleared out we’re dropping the price to move it. Any decorating need to be done? LOL! Of course. What woman would move into someone else’s home and not make it hers? But we are going slow with changes to make sure we do the right thing. New home came fully furnished and we are also selling off things too. At both locations.
  16. Just an update..... Things are going pretty smooth, other than I realize I have too much. Yes, just too much. Too many tools, too many models, hell, even too much car cleaning stuff. Who else has a huge Rubbermaid cart just to keep car cleaning supplies on? Today I was boxing up the models for storage and I had enough. I marked a box “kits to sell”. Once I’m settled in, going to start looking for shipping boxes and post them up for sale. I’ve got a gut feeling I’ll have a lot more before the sun sets tomorrow. I am happy to report that my display case made it here ok too. I had 4 strong 25 yo men doing it all for me. Funny thing is, they started rolling it around the house and all of a sudden they were like, “Uuhh, it ain’t going through that door.” looking at the basement level sliding glass door. Thankfully, it made it through the door from the garage with maybe enough room for a hair to fit in between. I had to pull off part of the door threshold and once we were in, there’s a support pole that I had to remove the decorative trim off the base to get through. Wife again was telling me, see, you built it too damned big! But it’s in, we got the glass door here and installed safely and now I just need to get the shelves over laid out flat in the back of the wife’s Honda Pilot. Now just curious to see how the models have done on the trip. Still have a lot at the old house though. The guys man handled the gun safe like it had PlaySchool written on the side of it. Of course all the firearms were piled deep in the trunk of my Mustang. Pretty funny thinking back that I had more $$ in the guns stacked in the trunk than the car is worth. Oh, and ammo. Yea, got enough of that too. Everyone always says you can’t have enough ammo. I guess they never have moved. once I get settled in, I’ll post up some pics.
  17. Isn't Model Master itself being discontinued? Going to miss the old standby. But if it's going away, I don't want to stock up. Might as well rip the bandaid off now and change myself.
  18. Extremely frustrating!!! I just trashed 2 built models that fell from the boys ceiling 15 years ago and I never got around to repairing, tossed out the early Revell Phantom I built when I got back into modeling. God, it was butt ass ugly. Started building it with SEA camo (yea, on a Navy jet. Like I said, I had no idea what I was doing when I got back building as a big boy) and I painted the interior green like it was a WWII aircraft. Also tossed a half built phantom Mustang I gave up on 12 years ago, or when ever it was Revell came back out with the kit. just so no one thinks I have totally lost it, I did carefully pack up some off the shelf of doom. C-17, C-124, Revell P-51D and a few more I have to bring boxes home tomorrow I have at work. My biggest task yet was accomplished today. Years ago I built a huge display case. Almost 8’ wide, 2’ deep and 6’7” tall. I got it all broken down, sliding glass doors removed and packed up sideway sitting on foam everywhere for the 45 mile journey in the back of a U Haul truck. No way I could have made this move and keep everything if it was a long distance move.
  19. So overwhelmed with everything that I just logged into my Hannants account and cancelled my Helldiver order..... Maybe later I’ll revisit after the dust settles and possibly if I sell off a few dozen kits.
  20. Just spent the past few hours boxing up kits and building tools. In one box alone I have two 1/32 B-17’s and a Lancaster. Do the money math on that one box. As I’m going through the stash and putting my hands on kits I have decided one of my retirement projects is to sell off about 50% of the kits. There is no way I’ll ever get to all these or have the room for them all. Ex: 3 - 1/48 C130 kits. Ok, where the hell will those go built? Or for that matter, that $1000 box mentioned above. Seems my hobby is turning into a burden if I’m not careful. Probably going to start donating some of these things...the built ones that is. My Thunderbirds bomb burst display really takes up real estate. Might stop in the local ROTC class and see if they want them. We have decided to rent a 12X16 storage locker, but I was just discussing with the wife, what do I put in there? Don’t want model kits left in a non-climatized area, all my wood working tools will probably be needed as soon as we get in and start projects. Can’t put ammo or reloading supplies in storage, Guns sure as hell aren’t going. And I sure don’t want the new place to look like a storage facility too. Once we’re in we plan on getting a 12 X 16 “barn” with a lean to for lawn tractor, yard tools and general storage. I need to take a class on becoming a minimalist.
  21. Yea, the wife is giving me a hard time about not reducing enough. Of course she’s looking at the stash when she says that.
  22. Well we close on our new lake home this coming Friday. Up until today I have spent every waking hour doing all the minor repairs we’ve been putting off. Ever count how many cans of latex paint you have laying around from all the times walls have been painted? After 25 years, I think I counted about 30. Thankfully half were so old and lids rusted through so the paint has been long dried up. Simple enough to toss out. The others? Mixing with kitty litter then tossing. But back to the packing up....I managed to score about 20+ large and heavy duty boxes from video projectors at work. And so far about 13 bags of packing peanuts from U-Haul, I have managed to empty out my entire display case. A box will hold one built 1/32 Phantom with ease. Some boxes have three smaller planes in them. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can safely transport the oversized sliding glass doors on the case. Might even call the glass company I bought them from and see what they would charge to transport them 50 miles on their glass truck. Tomorrow I have to pack up the shelf of doom! And sadly I have decided to toss out a few I built when I got back into building models. Some were done very badly, others have fallen from the ceiling and lost a few parts. I know damned good and well if I take the time to pack them, they will be the last opened probably 5 years from now.
  23. Yep, same issue. My daughter is about 6 months pregnant and her Doc wanted her to get the J&J when it was available. She told him not under any circumstances would she be getting a vaccination while pregnant. She feels like she dodged a bullet.
  24. Good Gravy Hubert! Do you build kits, or make everything from Evergreen stock??? Quite the well stocked supply you have there! Now I have to think of how I can pack up my "shelf of doom" models along with my builts for safe transport.
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