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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Surprised a collector hasn’t bought those to restore them.
  2. Advertise services on social media in your area? I’m actually thinking about doing some YouTube videos on building using time lapse videos.
  3. For some strange reason I was telling everyone I had about 300 kits in my stash and it would take me until I turn 245 years old to get them all done. For grins and giggles, last night I did a quick and rough count and came up with about 150 kits. No, not going to try and play catch up, I've just decided that I'll wait until I'm 135 to die now. EDIT: FWIW, I tried to buy a second Bearcat kit off one of the forums last month because I needed two kits for two different planes I want to build. I was too late to the ad and someone beat me to it. Man, I felt stupid last night when I looked up and saw two Bearcat kits staring me in the face.
  4. How about something small that everyone has been asking for? None of those huge monstrosity size planes. But a simple T-38 Talon with Thunderbirds decals.
  5. Cat? Gravity? Ghost? Edit: I see you have a few fuzzies running around. Cats are assholes like that. I came home from a cruise in March and found parts on my table scattered. This time I shut my hobby room door.
  6. Thanks Mike!! That's my new work theme song! After getting shafted here at work, I too have run dry.
  7. Sorry to hear of that Ernie. As it was said above me, money brings out the worst. I never speak with my brother anymore because of this. He just turned 60 and is a miserable human being. Long story made short, he started a Family Trust we all agreed to. Later we discovered it was a ploy to manipulate Mom after Dad died. We caught up in his lies when he tried to lock his final piece of his structured take over in place. A conservatorship for Mom. We pulled all banking records and discovered $30K he stole out of her accounts in addition to the $18K she loaned him. He had her sign herself out of the Trust telling her is was just papers about Dad's passing she needed to sign. She trusted him, he is her favorite son. Now she's in my care, but yet I am constantly reminded he's her favorite. I'll put it this way, he's so bad his MIL just passed away leaving million$$$ to her 3 kids. In her will she stipulated that her daughter will not have control of her money and it has to go through her brother as long as she is married "to that man" You need to go after that Lawyer for ethics violations. Can''t blame a dumbass deadbeat family member. But an officer of the court that knows what he is doing is wrong? Start with reporting him to the State Bar Association. It's going to be hard to find a lawyer that will help eat one of their own, so you might have to handle it yourself. You can always keep the three S' in mind too.
  8. Ernie, Congrats on the impressive builds! I thought you just hung out here because of everyone's charming personalities. Who would have thunk it that you actually have some mad modeling skills!! Now I've gotta ask, can you show us your dress modeling uniform you are going to wear that medal on??
  9. Just had this one show up today. Smokin hot Squadron deal on Wednesday
  10. Stop it!! Yer killin' me here! Did you see my last post in the "My Other Hobby" thread? Now I'm saving up for a GSL Phoenix can for the front of it. After that dust settles, maybe.... But a big Vietnam era Spooky has always intrigued me.
  11. Still trying to figure out where all my big Star Trek kits will go once built. Cannot imagine a 32nd Buff. Still would love a big C-47, but those HPH kits are a little rich for my blood.
  12. You’re going to really enjoy building that SUFA at the bottom of your stack. They have all kinds of hidden treasures in that box for other versions of the F-16 2 seater.
  13. And of course I caught wind yesterday of the crazy sale price at Squadron for the new Trumpeter 2 seater MIG at $59 to my front door...... and the stash grows.
  14. Wanting to make a purchase of a big ticket item, this thread got me thinking I should scan my stash of about 300 kits and see what I should move. I couldn’t do it! Not even one kit was I willing to let go. Got 3 1/48 C-130 kits of different flavors. AC-130, DC-130 and a C-130. Nope. Going to build all three of them. (In all seriousness, I doubt it). About 9 1/32 Phantom kits (including a very rare aftermarket kit) I have plans for all of them. Got a 1/72 B-52 Linebacker Vietnam era. Nope. One day...... In a nutshell, I looked at each kit I though about and told myself I could save up cash over the next 4 or 5 months and have the cash I needed. Some of these items can never be found again without really paying out big time.
  15. My childhood dream would to be retired and the time to build all those kits in my stash. My wife considers it hoarding, but I call it wise planning for the future. Once retired I won’t be able to afford them and by the time I retire a lot of what I have in my stash will no longer be available.
  16. Another distraction........... This one has been a grail gun for many years. Like since as long as I can remember. Of course now this is leading to building a silencer on a Form 1 so I don’t have to wait over a year for the approval. Folding arm brace will be here Tuesday.
  17. Just some script name tags to go on the canopy of an F-16D printed up on an Alps printer. Anyone y’all recommend?
  18. Flew home from a business trip to NJ on Eastern Airlines on a late flight that got in about 11 pm. Went home, went to bed. Woke up to the news that all flights stopped at midnight for good.
  19. Tool box drawers!! They make deep ones too!
  20. HA!! I knew you would hit a wall with 6 of these going at once!
  21. My brother owned a Midas franchise at one time. Same experience. Managers lying and faking receipts, employees he trusted with keys coming in to work on customers cars on the side when they came in for an estimate, pocketing cash for minor jobs, charging parts back to auto parts stores for personal items, faking (he tried to fake it, actually broke both his legs) an accident to get workers comp. Couldn’t find any sober and high end mechanics since all the good ones went to dealerships.
  22. Thanks for the link. I see it's off the strip. Must be why the room rate is so much lower. I've already done something like 6-8 trips out to Vegas with work and one Christmas trip to take the inlaws. Lots of stuff to do other than Vegas stuff. Valley of Fire, Red Rock, drive out to Utah to some of the many parks (Zion is breath taking) Hoover dam, Grand Canyon. List goes on and on. Flying down INTO the canyon on a helo was the experience of a lifetime! And don't forget people watching on the strip! But much better in the spring when the dry heat is not 3 digits.
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