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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. Well I too have joined the ranks of the furloughed. My new title is 'Mr Mom' until April 10th lol. Working retail I figured it would happen sooner or later. Luckily I am financially solid and able to handle it for awhile (learned that hard lesson many years ago) and have the stash to keep me busy. Also i'm lucky my wife works in a financial institution so is an 'essential' worker. She has little contact with the general public so that is a major plus in this uncertain times. we shall see how this plays out.....
  2. It's crazy out there! The last time we saw a pandemic and price gouging by scalpers selling rare commodities on ebay like this was when Wingnut Wings sold out on several first run kits.
  3. IMO the easiest WnW kit is the junkers D1. took me 3 weeks to build mine, less rigging than the DVII.
  4. I detect a hint of sarcasm. lol....
  5. Do it, that'll look good when its done!
  6. Heck he would probably be happier to talk models than movies, hobbies are much more fun to talk about than work. I bet Dave J knows the answer.
  7. Not that I have seen. Actually if anyone should do one my hope would be ICM or great wall hobbies. The ICM 1/48 mig-25 is the best out there in any scale and GWH stuff is on par with hasegawa an even tamiya IMHO.
  8. One of the ultimate 1/1 scale projects! I always wanted to volunteer at an air museum and help restore old warbirds. Alas the closest one is 4 hours away from me.
  9. It's a toss up between the M1 and the king tiger. Based on building models of a bunch of armor over the years and comparing the different sizes, I can only imagine what it would've been like to run into a king tiger unexpectedly. I've been inside T-55's, T-62's and looked inside a t-72 and those tanks are small next to an M1 and even the king tiger -for it's time it was a giant
  10. Ernie, forgot to add my name to the raffle as an entrant.
  11. Ok I will offer this helo up for a raffle. -Brian
  12. Ok I I'll jump in.. Let me see if I can also round up a raffle prize.
  13. Just a quick update, got the Salmson just about done only a few fiddly bits to do. I also lost the clear windscreens and am currently waiting on a replacement set from WnW to make to me to finish it off. Not the best pic more to come when it is done
  14. Looking good! Glad to hear you are on the mend, model building should be perfect activity for recovering. As for the D1 it is one of the easiest WnW kits to do. I started working on mine last tuesday and I already finished painting it this morning. The fit and lack of rigging as you said made it a breeze to build. Ill be following your build...
  15. A MiG-17 or MiG-29 from Tamiya only because I know WnW probably wont do any jets, lol...The reason? Endless paint schemes and countries that used them.
  16. Amen to that! I would have a 3 bedroom, 12 car garage to live in. (gotta have space for the family you know) and a runway on my compound.
  17. I used to do a lot of commission work when I was a lot younger and hungry for every penny that came my way. I worked for cheap too at the time. Now, I rarely do commission work unless it pays very, very well and is a comparatively easy project. It can be a mojo killer if not kept in check plus finding the people that are willing to pay what your skills are worth is far and few between. Most people are cheap and don't understand the time and effort involved in putting a good model together especially if there is custom work. If you figure a labor rate of $15-$20 an hour and apply it to a tamiya corsair or similar that could easily get into the high 3 to low 4 digits price wise.
  18. I'd love to get a hold of an old mig-17. Ultimate 1/1 scale project! It's too bad that 2 seat mig-29 for sale out there is $4.5 mil.
  19. Thats cool, I love to look for stuff like this on google earth. I m glad I am not the only one.
  20. Nope, I build in other scales too. My main scales are 1/32 and 1/48. I have done a few model cars in 1/12 and 1/20 and even a couple of 1/72 AC and 1/144 airliners. 1/48 was my main scales for years just because the stuff i liked wasn't available in 1/32. I built all the big stuff (revell, matchbox, MPC, Airfix etc.) but there wasn't much of it back in the day. Once trumpeter started cranking out good subject matter in 1/32 and that scale became popular in the early 2000's is when I transition to mainly 1/32. People bash trumpeter but I credit them on getting the 1/32 stuff into the mainstream.
  21. I would love a do-17! I do wonder how revell's 1/32 ju-88 and he111 sold for them. That might give and idea if revell will finish out the BoB luftwaffe bomber trio.
  22. Oops I just saw this post! thanks guys!
  23. delete double post
  24. That is called "Stash Paralysis" Too many kits to work on and all the time is used to decide what to make instead of building. Made worse by adding massive amounts of Aftermarket accessories.
  25. Yeppers! I plan on going to both Texas and LV. I'm gonna have to start saving (and building) for them now.
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