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Everything posted by happy1

  1. Thanks Rick don't know how I missed that BUT I did Paul
  2. I'm also doing a Tamiya Spit Mk IXc and to start shortly a Mk VIII, Doog I really like the Eduard interiors for them both but I'll be damn if I'll spend as much on postage as the product does unless I can find a place that is a little more local then Eduard's, I really haven't looked any other then their Webb site But as always any help would be appreciated. Paul
  3. I started out almost 50 years ago with a Paasche H single-action and still use one as my work horse I've got a Iwata knock off I like it has a paint control the name is Master got if off E-bay around $40.00 Paul
  4. I just did my first paint mask job national insignias and call codes, except for a few goof up it turned out pretty damn good, don't know if you've heard of this person but he help out a lot http://www.scaleprecision.com Ya might want to give him a look see Paul
  5. I use Elmer's glue stick the purple one for paper never thought about wetting them down thou gonna have to try that, Try putting Britt's suttion seat belts together, thats a trip in it's self. Paul
  6. Brake fluid will work real good and isn't as dangerous I have used it many times. Paul
  7. Thanks Cees I will Paul
  8. Thanks guy's it turned out a lot better then i thought it would. I'm really liking this forum think I'll hang around for awhile if youse guy's don't mind. Paul
  9. Cee's here's my finished product finialy
  10. Yup know what ya mean about that damn canopy, I just sorta cheated a little and titled it down a bit by accident while gluing it in. Paul I'm waiting on Tamiya's P-51D & Spitfire in 1/32 Can't wait to get started on those babies
  11. Where do you even get something like this?? Paul
  12. Ya I sorta had to put a little curve in it. I finished it up today and will now start on the spit that I bought with it MK XIVc I think. Paul
  13. I hope I did this right, if not I'm sorry Paul
  14. Ok I'm going to try this again
  15. If only I had that kind of talant Paul
  16. After three weeks I'm almost finished with it, I went with JFM Schem it turned out to be a decent lookinmg model. I'll try to post some pics real soon, Thank GOD for Mr. Surfacer. Paul
  17. Well damn I made a good guess I made them 15mm wide, this is the first PCM model I've ever bought and built I was really disappointed with it I didn't expect Tamiya quality but for the price I paid for it I did expect more quallity and detail this model has fought me every inch of the way. For $90.00 I expected a little more. Thanks Edgar Paul
  18. I just finished my build, if you see a seam when you're puting it together STOP because you just screwed up. Paul
  19. How wide would the invasion stripes be in 1/32 scale.
  20. This is the first of their super 1/32 scale that I've done and it won't be the last the seams littery dissapier when put to geather. Paul
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