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Everything posted by happy1

  1. Actully James yes you can mask stencils I do it all the time let me know what you need and I'll cut you a whole set marking codes insignias fin flash the works. Just need to know what type you need , the dia. of the roundels upper and lower wing & fuselodge, size of code letters and serial numbers. In any case it's an offer let me know. Paul
  2. James PM me I'm sure I can help. Paul PS thanks Ralph
  3. I just use the visor now tried the magifiying light didn't work so good been using the visor for about five years now got it off of e-bay for less than $20.00 USD got five different lenses with it use it over my regular glasses. Paul
  4. Jeroen, I'm very much interested in this claw do you happen to know what size NOGA base arm that Johan used I found a place here to purchase them but want to make sure it's the right one if and when I do recieve my CLAW. Paul
  5. Whew thanks Paul
  6. Johan just sent you an e-mail. Paul
  7. That's what I thought any idea when it'll be released. Paul
  8. Does anybody know if Eduard Brassin F4U-1 Corsair Cockpit Set will fit in the new Tamiya F4U-1A kit I want to get one but I'll be damned if I'll spend the money if it won't fit figured this would be the best place to ask. Paul
  9. Guy's use mister surfacer 500 or 1000 to fill the gaps in the wing tips and wing roots then use a Q-tip dipped in istopropyl alcohol to remove the excesse surfacer that way you won't lose any detail, you dont even have to wait till it completely dries sometimes you might have have to repeat this process a couple of times if the gap is farely wide as the surfacer will sink in doing it this way doesn't attack the plastic at all I use 99% Alcohol but 91% works good too. Paul
  10. Hey Ralph Do you think you could scan a copy of the instructiomaybe and ns for me e-mail them to me huh pal what ya think huh pal ya think ya could do da huh ??? Paul Other then that I'm doing great
  12. Hey Ralph where did you find that kit ??? Paul
  13. Rub N Buff isn't new I used it back in 1963 didn't care for for it to much tho. Paul
  14. I'm sure I can come up with a set of paint masks for it I've already did for the B-17 for a friend of mine. Paul
  15. Rick where did you get that stand at? Paul
  16. Ah ya Damn show off (green with envy) Just LOVE IT!!! Paul
  17. Boy that would have really pissed Hitler off. Paul
  18. Yah that'll do if you like that kind of thing AND I DO GREAT!! PAUL
  19. Aw geez another damn show off (but I might add with rightfully bragging rights) damn I hate that, I must say that my hats off to you Sir :-) Paul
  20. I certainty will although I've just made some masks for myself I don't think I'll ever go back to decals, I'll keep you posted. Paul
  21. Ralph, PM me as to what you need or want, or give me your phone number and I'll call you. OK Paul
  22. nmayhew, mikester, Edgar want to thank you guy's for helping me out I've found almost 90% of what I was looking for, Now as or should I say if I get proficient at this venture maybe you three would like to try a few samples, what'ya say huh I'll let you know when I think I'm at that point. Thanks again guy's Paul
  23. Edgar, Thank you I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be simple this is just the information I was looking for thank you again I will look for this book maybe I'll find it at the library. Paul
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