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About AlanG

  • Birthday 12/28/1973

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    NE Scotland
  • Interests
    Models, Fishing, Motorbikes (proper ones not Harleys), Smallholding

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  1. Some of those people are in or trying to get into power (again). They just care about their bank balance
  2. Thought it was just me thinking that lol
  3. I like using them. The can either be brushed or airbrushed. Not quite as hard wearing as Alclad but certainly a lot less smelly
  4. Got this to help with some references on a Ju88 A17 build i'm planning
  5. This is why i love this forum. You guys always seem to know where the information required is to be found and provide it. Thanks again guys. I'm planning this build for after my Me262 build
  6. Wow thank you very much Martin. I've only seen one of those pics before
  7. This is the one i saw. Obviously a large wellenmuster pattern would be easier to do. I really want to do an A17 with the FuG 200 radar array
  8. I found a Wellenmuster paint scheme from Airdoc that is said to be a Ju88 A17 from 1./KG26 based in Norway. For the life of me i cannot find any photographic evidence that supports this scheme. I don't suppose anyone here knows of pictures/evidence of said Ju88s in Norway with these Wellenmuster patterns. I'd really like to have a crack at one of them but i'm not willing to try without some sort of picture reference.
  9. Nearly spat my coffee out at that. SWMBO didn't find it as funny
  10. Finally getting back to my Me262 build after an age away from it. Lost mojo, intense work things and life issues to resolve. Started painting the rear section of the engine and now painted the pipework i scratch built. Just a few more things to paint then it's time to glue all together and get on with the wheel bay build
  11. Stunning. Simply stunning What AM did you use for the cooling slat doors?
  12. Late to the party with this one. Looks great
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