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Everything posted by Fran

  1. awesome work Jeroen!! Really nice!!!
  2. 1:32 Crewmen – Pilot & Observer 1916/1918 – To fits WnW LVG and Hannover The Fusilier Catalogue n.º FUS 54/13 Price tag: £25 The Fusilier is a brand of one man: Steve Warrilow. Anyone who is in the WWI world knows his name. He dedicates to sculpt beautiful figures, only of the Great War. And if it was The Fusilier name on it, that´s for sure, a quality product. The Fusilier was established in 1992 after some Great Years Sculpting & Casting. The Figures were in the scales of mainly 1:24th 75/80mm and 1:32nd and a large Trench Store Accessories List, all Cast in white metal in number about 150 items. Having stopped sculpting/trading for a short period Steve was Sculpting for Peter Jackson & Wingnut Wings, for the “one day to be release” WnW figures. The figures we are looking at, in this review, are the Crewmen to fit LVG or Hannover WnW model kits (Ref- Fus 53/13 and 13a). This figure pack came in small but sturdy hard plastic box. Inside you get two full figures, both in full resin, in a grey color. Parts were safely secured in a sort of cotton and all the resin are very well cast, smooth, and with no bubbles at all or imperfections. The pilot itself has five pieces. The main body has almost all body with left hand. The feet, right hand and head comes separately. The scarf to cover his face, aviator sunglasses and fabric cloth characteristics are spectacular. The body posture is very natural with great details on clothing and headgear and belts... I love the detail of the scarf at the back of the pilot. You can just fell the dynamics of movement. The shoes are well sculpted but unlikely to be very visible. The colors are presented in a table that is broken the two figures, with indications of what colors to use in several details of the figure, since the gloves, the shoes and the glasses ... The scarf and her beautification and painting is the description the modeler. The gunner / observer is a single piece, with separately boots and two heads to choose from. In this figure, rather more, and enhance the quality of the clothing detail including skin coat and delightful details of the garment. The boots have no distortion or bubbles are well cast. The two heads have high quality casting and detail, allowing the modeler to choose which ones wants to use. This figure has many interesting details, from the glasses through the mustache, giving him a typical look from the beginning of the twentieth century. The other face has a kind of mysterious look, with aviator sunglasses and a scarf to cover the entire face from the cold. Both sat well with the dynamics of the body, this dynamic as well accomplished. This figure as the first is a tremendous quality, maintaining the highest quality of these figures. Conclusion: These crewmen are quite smooth, with a natural pose that would be a showstopper on a LVG or Hannover. I must confess that I really not a big fan of crewmen figures because I fell that they are out of context…If the aircraft is in a diorama how the hell I´m going to put an aircraft on free flight?? I don`t have the techniques and the talent to do that. However these figures are very well sculpted that they can perfectaly be put on the aircraft taking with some ground crew, while the plane is stop. They are simply perfect for that and for me, that`s enough… No doubt that I will be using these ones in near future. Just perfect. These are perfect to stand on your shelf along with other stuff on WWI, mainly WnW. Highly recommended. My sincerely thanks to Steve Warrilow, the man behind The Fusiler for the review samples and for his patience. (You can buy directly here and if you do don`t forget to mention Wingnut Wing Fans and Large Scale Modeller) Francisco
  3. Great work Paulo! Great to have you here on LSM!
  4. What`s the next WNW release???

  5. great start Flip! Just love the seat!
  6. Sigh.... Where I going to get the money for this one??? Thinning the stash!
  7. Love it!! Thanks JIm!
  8. humm... WnW kis at sensilbe prices!!! i wish be there!
  9. Great review Jeroen! Thanks for sharing!
  10. PLUSMODEL Diorama Accessories Sets (Acid Containers, PET Botles, U.S. Blood Bank Marmites, Boards “Achthung Mines” ) Available from Plusmodel for the prices indicated below on the text Once again and always from the past few years, Plus Models came to the rescue with some original diorama accessories items that will give a little extra to your work, because of their quality and originality. All sets are in 1:35 and they come in the standard Plusmodel box, being the full build model the box art. All of the items very well packaged, with the all the parts coming inside of a bubble bag. Acid Containers (5 resin pieces and 8 Photo-etched and one decals sheet to two containers) #430 Price tag: 26,70$ (18,70€) – directly from Plusmodel. The set is a quite simple and effective one if you can paint it properly. There`s no assembly required, no decals and of course no instructions. The five resin pieces are in single pieces, molded in crystal clear resin, and with very little to clean up, just the resin cast on the bottom. The casting is top quality as usual and the details is quite outstanding. All the jugs are solid so to represent them full or half full or empty, you have to get that effect through painting. Is almost like buying full done. But no… you need to paint it and can use the box art as a painting guide. U.S. Blood Bank Marmites (8 resin pieces and 1 Photo-etched sheet and one decal sheet) #445 Price tag: 20,60$ (14,50€) – directly from Plusmodel. Before getting to the inside box review, this set really intricate me because I never have seen nothing like this on war pictures. So I try to look up for something on the net and (unlike the acid containers), after looking for quite some time, I found out that this ones are M1941 Marmite Cans, that were used mainly in blood transportation. Got some pictures from the web: Just love this on a C-47. Taking a look on the set, it brings you eight resin cans, a small photo-etch sheet and some decals. The resin parts are in grey color and are very well cast. The only cleaning is a slight seam line in one side, along the entire side but quite easy to be remove. The resin casting block is simple to remove. The side carry handles are molded in resin and at a rest position, which is quite a pity, because it restrain a lot the use on a diorama. The latch system is all in photo-etched, so is quite fine and delicate. You should have great care to handle it but looks easy to put on the marmite. And for the first time on a Plusmodel set something is quite wrong: We have 8 marmites, 8 top bars….but it only have 4 latches… It`s necessary an extra photo-etched set to finish and complete all the 8 marmites. This happens at least on my review samples. So nothing like asking them, and Petr from Plusmodel reply me telling that`s in fact a mistake that happens on the first serie, but all the second serie will have two photo-etched sheet. Mine new sheet is on the way. The decals are very well printed, with words that look quite alike on the real photos The instructions are the typical ones from Plusmodel, simple drawings but quite perceptible and intuitive PET Bottles (32 resin pieces and one decal sheet) #446 Price tag: 17$ (11,90€) – directly from Plusmodel. This set come in a plastic box with 32 bottles, 8 of them in green color, two different greens. The transparent ones are in 3 bottles types, giving extra options from the modeler. The bottles are in clear resin (incolor and green color), very well cast, with no bubbles and an easy block resin removal. The bottles types are the tipical ones so it will fit in every modern scenery. The decal sheet brings option for all the types.. You got “Coca-Cila”, Pepsi logo and other brands well hidden on the decals, just to protect Plusmodel for eventual copyright issues. Maybe some modelers can`t live with that and make own brand decals. In 1:35 scale, in a environment diorama, it simply not be notice, I think. So for me, the decals are real fine. Boards "Achtung Minen" #443 Price tag: 15,80$ (11,10€) – directly from Plusmodel. And the last but not the least, a set of laser cut wooden mine warning signs. There`s no much to talk about because pictures speak for themselves. The engraved “Actung Mines” sentence with a skull in the middle is fantastic with the modeler is presented with two different type of warning, 15 of each. A very realistic one, on real wood with some very good scale dimension. Having also 1:48 mine warnings signs is pretty clear the actual scale size of both of them, and they really look ok. Conclusion: These three sets of accessories for dioramas translate once again well Plusmodel philosophy: originality, quality and versatility. The quality is of the highest level, with castings at most higher standard and detail is one of the best in modeling world. One major problem I found in the Us Blood Marmite was detected by plusmodel and the second serie will have two photo-etched sheet. These accessories allow its use in one scenario as in several, depending on the intention of the modeler. Also these sets will stand out on your diorama or vignette giving a detail of class. Very Highly recommended With my sincere thanks to Plusmodel for this review sample. To purchase directly, click this link. Francisco Guedes
  11. Hi Guys!! Sorry for the late report but here`s some photos of the evenT! I fail to finish it... but you can see why on the video. and now the video (mada by José Brito) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rXqIcvw7wY Fran
  12. Now that a strange thing!!! Nice review Jim as always!
  13. A WORLD OF DIORAMAS (Master Collection Series Vol.1) Canfora Publishing (Grafisk Form & Förlag) Author: PER OLAV LUND (HID0615) ISBN: 978-2-35250-387-3 Price tag: 29,50€ (plus shipping) One day, a few weeks ago, I got an A4 envelop…. I was excited because I know that was the Per Olav Lund new book! [/url] The first impression as I open the book was: Woww! The cover is amazing. A central and big photo of one the newest Per Olav work in a satin finish. The cover is in soft cover with a high grade paper and satin finish. The cover is A3 folding sheet so you got on the front cover the already mention diorama, and opening the paper, you got Per Olav Lund introduction. On the back of the cover a fantastic picture of one the best Per Olav works: “Seenot” Starting flipping through the book, I really do not know where to start! Almost mental block with all the fantastic photos. All the 128 pages have a fantastic color printing in a satin finish touch. In general, all the impression and color quality is not an issue for sure! It's really quite hard to review and comment a perfect work.... For me, it's art! But let`s see the content of this book. On the cover feature one of my favourite dioramas... It's simplicity is almost overhelming and at the same time, that simplicity is the most hard to get.... Everything is perfect balance, with no extra things or confusion just to fill empty spaces.... Anyway, looking at book structure, you will get 10 dioramas and a gallery section. In every single diorama, Per Olav gives you, a small well written text that tells how the author got inspired and what he wants to represent with that work. Also gives the info about all the stuff used (like roof tiles from Juweela, Plusmodel, Miniart, figures brand etc)! The opening text is follow by a picture that capture the all diorama. In the following pages, you see some more detail photos on the finish diorama, and some work in progress photos. There`s not much WIP photos as the tend to be more to show the finish result and is not a step-by-step book. Along the dioramas, mostly with already finish model or part of the diorama, Per Olav explain how to obtain that weathering effect (painting the roof tiles one by one) or damaged effect like the use of microscope slide glass to make the house windows and how to make a bullet hole on it! At the end of each diorama, the book gives you some close and detail photos of the finish work. Passing along all the work, one that caught my attention was “Cribs”…. A jaw-dropping civil diorama with a big pig in the VW Samba bus pigsty! Here, for example, have some nice WIP photos of the building construction progress with quite useful tips. The next one I decided to mention in particularly, is my favorite and the last work made by Per Olav, I think - The Seenot. This model won the 2nd Wingnut Wings facebook fans and it has first reveal in there so I quite proud about that. For me is one of the most brilliant diorama and when i saw it, was just jaw-dropping... Unfortunately it doesn`t have so much WIP photos or a step-by-step of the beautiful ocean or oils color info.i Most of information to achieved that result is written on the text… Not all but Then in each one of the dioramas you will get some information and lots of the Per Olav talent and his explanations and of course tips and materials!!! We got everything to do similar... Errrr.... Almost.... Per Olav Talent is not at reach of any one! This book is not a really step-by-step information book (I do think that was never the goal) because it doesn`t show all the construction steps and painting process. Also doesn’t` give the modeler paint colors or painting techniques, step to make, etc. It have very few pictures of WIP diorama, presenting such construction tips and information accompanying photos of the object already completed and painted! background:white">Does contain different information and some tutorials on specific parts of the like the little dioramas Walter driven oils or 1:24 barrels. However, it has some really really good tips to making buildings, some particulars details on vehicles like damage and broken windows, chipping, icy road etc. In the very end you have a gallery with Per Olav work! Inspiring! CONCLUSION In sum, this book is quite outstanding. The text is quite simply, very comprehensive and an easy reading. The print quality is very good, on satin paper. Per Olav is one of the best in the world in modeling dioramas and the quality of work is emphasized in this book! Not being a step by step and not being thoroughly informative as the materials or techniques used is a very good book to get some useful information about dioramas and small techniques and tons and tons of inspiration! I really love the book because it did inspires me to go more deeper and deeper in diorama modelling!!! And now Cânfora for when a book with Jose Brito´s dioramas? Highly Recommend Francisco Guedes A very special thanks to the author, Per Olav Lund for this review sample and all the support. To purchase this directly, click THIS link. If you found this review helpful and decide to purchase this product, please tell them you read about it at Large Scale Modeller! Disclaimer: all photos all in low quality to preserve and prevent all copyright.
  14. awesome! great work!!
  15. A very good item.... just waiting to be put in a diorama!!!! Tons of options, depends only fo the modeler!
  16. Fantastic piece of work!!!
  17. Hi Guys! i saw this one and I thought to give it a try as is in a quite nice price... http://www.squadron.com/1-32-Encore-Models-Blue-Max-Pfalz-EC32004-p/ec32004.htm But I live in Portugal.... and the shipping cost asked from Squadron for this single model kit is 55$..... Turn out that this little one is much more expensive that any WnW kits (one seat)....
  18. soooo beautifull!!! Love it!
  19. 1:35 Conversion Set M-113A1 T50 MMK Catalogue # F3048 51 resin pieces and two photo-etched sheets. Available from MMK for € 24 When I get this conversion set sample to review, I thought to myself that it would not be to much to say or to look up. Opening the small and sturdy box, I could not be more wrong. After seeing so many resin bits and a medium size photo-etched sheet, I decided to get some online research to check up this one out… I was starting to “fall in love”… J A standard M113A1 with a Cadillac Gage T50 turret as used on the V100/V150 series of armored cars, mounting two Browning machine guns, a .30 caliber and a M2 .50 caliber machine gun. While the standard armored personnel carrier version in Australian service is also fitted with the T50 turret it initially carried only twin .30 caliber machine guns. In later service the LRV and APC versions both carried the 30/50 combination and the only difference between them was roles. LRVs were used in sabre (recon) troops of the Cavalry regiment and the recon troop of the Armoured regiment. They carried a crew of 2 or 3 (crew commander, driver and sometimes operator/observer). APCs carried a crew of 2 and dismounts, either infantry, assault troops, engineers or other troops. In practise an LRV was also perfectly capable of carrying troops, though in perhaps somewhat more cramped conditions as LRVs often carried additional stores and ammunition and had seats removed and replaced with storage lockers. For a short period of time in Vietnam the Aircraft Armaments Incorporated Model 74C Cupola/Command Station was used, but it was quickly replaced by the T50. Also used by the New Zealand Army until the M113 was replaced in 2005. The turret was first introduced into Australian service in Vietnam and was initially armed with two .30 calibre machine guns. Shortly after some vehicles had one .30 machine replaced by a .50 calibre machine gun. This 50/30 armament configuration was used until at least 2002. – copyright from several internet sites. This conversion comes in a small sturdy box, with all the resin pieces in several plastic bags. As the Springer, no instructions is given as it`s in pdf file on MMK website. You got 51 resin gray color parts, with some being for the interior. As I already said, I was quite surprise with the amount of resin on the one. The turret T50, the main pieces is with full interior details, with the seat, seatbelts, and ammo racks on the roof. The turret it shelf has all the periscopes made by photo-etched, the hatch with sharp details on both side, to give the modeler the option of left it open. With all the interior viewable, that hatch must be wide open. The interior is very complete, with inferior mesh floor, ammo box and ammunition belts to attach on the .30 and .50 guns. The two machines guns are very well cast with hollow ends. The large photo-etched parts is very comprehensive and very well detailed with nice details. You can see the floor mesh, ammunition belts, periscopes parts, ammunition rack etc. Also you get a roof crew hatch, just behind the turret that is mounted slightly forward of the normal commanders cupola. This hatch than can be open but that depends on the interior detail that the modelers puts in it. If none, closed should be the option. A fire extinguisher, radio, jerry cans with “water” marked on it, several ammunitions box, radio, and others details to enhance M-113 interior. A quite nice touch! It also comes with a large mesh to put on the rear of the M113 but in my sample didn`t have it. Really no a big problem to solve because it only a mesh with some barber wire, easy to get elsewhere. MMK doesn`t refer to which model kit this conversion is adequate but with no plastic surgery need, I believe that can be any M-113A1 model kit in 1:35. You don`t get any decal sheet so aftermarket decals should be need it. Echelon decals have two decals sheet to M-113 A1 with T50 turret being ideal to this conversion set - D356087 (Snoopy) and D356088. My Snoopy is on the way! JJ Conclusion MMK give all you need to build an Australian M113 with T-50 Turret with full interior detail. MMK always give the modeler the opportunity to have something different and original. All of the resin is beautifully cast and has no flaw and casting resin blocks can be easily removed with care. None of the castings suffer from seam lines. I really fancy the conversion set, so much that is going to my to do pile and my decals set is already on the way. Very highly recommended Francisco Guedes Our thanks to MMK for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link.
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