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Everything posted by Fran

  1. Fantastic looking cockpit!! I miss this one!! Keep up going!! Minie is totally stopped....
  2. 1:35 Fordson WOT-2D Plusmodel Catalogue #348 Available from Plusmodel for 80€ After the outbreak of WWII, Ford in Britain started to produce a WOT truck range (War Office Trucks) and WOT-2 was the smallest of this range. It was also sometimes called “Fordson”. In 1939, the production of WOT2, the smaller version of six, with a load of about 750 kg or 15cwt started. They were built as small trucks with a table and an enclosed cabin. There was only drive the rear wheels. In the six years that vehicles have been improvements and production are WOT2 from A to H designation. The A model designations had an open cab with canvas doors and only small windows that do not complete the section ended driver. Starting from version E, the doors were closed or partly of metal and the windshield, cab driver outside all. The electrical system was originally 6 volts, but in later versions, this is increased to 12 volts. The deck was made of wood in a metal frame. During the production the structure was improved several times and it became more comfortable. A metal cab with a proper roof and windscreen was used. There were a lot of versions from a conventional lorry to AA or staff version with a closed superstructure. Almost 60 000 units were built. The Wot-2 was powered with a 8-cylinder V-shaped engine with a 3621 cc and 60 hp with a total weight of 3 354 Kg. The Fordson WOT-2D version is one more version of the WOT family that Plusmodel has been releasing in past years. The 2D version is the model that have a “metal cab” and canvas roof and doors. Plusmodel with the same body has been making different variant of this ugly but charmed “beast”, a British War Office design truck, and is the only only one in market to my knowledge, for the modeler if wants a WOT-2. Plusmodel has been around from quite a while and all of us know that their products are always very original and with high casting quality. So the WOT family is quite a welcome one. The kit according with the box has 117 resin parts, one photoetched sheet and one decal sheet for two schemes. Opening the box, everything comes very well packed, with the resin parts been divided in several smaller bags. The box is not very big and as you open the box, the care on packing to prevent any broken piece, is an important item from Plusmodel and they do it in perfection. The box is full of resin and a quite large photo-etched sheet and a single decal sheet with two options. All resin bits come in several plastic bags and very well wrapped in bubble wrap and all the inside package is well made to protect all the parts from breaking down. However this division is not random, so the larger pieces are together and are divided by section of the vehicle, according to construction steps. The smallers ones are all together, also in several bags to prevent breaking. The resin parts are casting in light gray with no distortions or bubbles in any single one of them. The details of the casting are flawless. The cargo area floor has fine details, which feature fine wood grain on both sides - upper side (the floor cab) and down side. Also the canvas look on the cabin roof is noteworthy. The metal box walls have beautiful details, in both side with full interior details. As you can see, the casting blocks are easy to remove and there`s very little resin flash to clean. The chassis frame comes in a single piece, which is a clever option to get all aligned property. The suspension and chassis have a building sequence that should be an “easy” job to get done. They are very well done with fantastic detail. The wheels are all in resin, as they always have been in Plusmodel kits... (YESS, I simply hate the vinyl ones, and don`t like the two-parts wheels). The detail on the tire and rim are quite good. However as you can see in the photo below, there is a little casting problem on one wheel, on my sample, making a small recess on the tire. Anyway it`s easily solved with a little putty, and some patience, nothing that an average/experience modeler couldn`t do. This is a rule in all Plusmodel casting: quality and and all in the box. You simply won`t need any upgrade or aftermarket. Besides the wheel little casting problem, all the 116 pieces are flawless, with no bubbles or distortions, with a fabulous detail. Just check out the texture of the fabric seats - quite amazing. The headlight are made in hollow cast with clear resin. Very neat! Plus Model provides on this WOT a full engine although the bonnet is cast shut and I do think that any “surgery” on the bonnet will give you a tremendous headache and tons of works, and probably, it simply won`t work out… It`s really quite a pity to close down the full engine… The cabin details like steering wheel, gear shift and others small details are made of resin . Smaller cabin and windshield details are from the photo-etched sheet. And looking the photo-etched sheet, has itself more than 100 parts. It`s a quite comprehensive and generous sheet with details and small details for the cabin, the engine, metal cab, the suspension, levers , fuel tanks strapers, windshield and of course, manufacture logo. Also there`s a ladder. I have a personal concern about photo-etched ladders. If the ladder side is easily achieved with plain metal, the horizontal tabs in most of cases are round. It`s a small detail that if you really, really care about it, can be easily solved with a simply scratch operation, taking the photo-etched sides and putting evergreen small rods between then, to create the perfect in scale ladder. The instructions are not a WnW ones… but must be real: no other is! J Anyway, these instructions are the typical and standard ones for a resin kit and limited production one, being better that some plastic kits that I have in my stash. They have a hand draw look but very well done because they try to show you the way but being a resin kit, during construction you will need to do a lots pieces study, check all the parts with lots of dryfitting, before put glue in place. It`s a care that you will need to have in all resin kit and the beauty is no exception. Anyway you will struggle a little with these instructions. Anyway, the model kit is for average/experience modeler so the instructions are more that enough to get you there. Markings: The decals sheet offer two versions. (The clear sheet is for the windows) The first scheme is in green with black blotches and is from RAF England 1944. This scheme can be found in Army Wheels in Detail “Fordson WOT2 15CWT” from Petr Brojo (Capricorn Publications). Unfortunately this book is sold out and if you are lucky you can find it in second hand market. The second scheme is in also from RAF and light stone with dark brown blotches. Conclusion Plusmodel is in modeling community, especially in AFV world, a recognized brand, recognition that comes from quality and originality of its products. All of the resin is beautifully cast and has no flaw. The resin block are easily removed and there`s no flash. None of the castings suffer from seam lines. As far as accuracy goes, it really looks like a WOT. So treat yourself, and get a WOT! J Highly recommended Francisco Guedes Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link.
  3. One fo the pics is a Ju-88 tailwheell??
  4. Fantastic looking books!!! A must get at least one of then!
  5. Jeroen my friend fantastic work!! Just wonderfull and i love your paint job on the figures!!
  6. Hi José! I saw your work on the magazine! Great piece and a fantastic work! Congrats. Um abraço Francisco
  7. Fantastic review Jim!!
  8. Fantastic review! HpH keeps releasing Outstanding models!
  9. Nige don't get my wrong! love your reviews! I still love the subject and i will buy one... But i was quite dissapointed about the tyres... Because i just hate vinyl tyres and half pieces.... The injection Looks better that the first release and with the Resin tyres it would be just great!
  10. Guys, in order to give more time to all the WIP, I decided to extended the GB deadline for more TWO months! So the GB will close down at June, 31th. So still lots of times to finish them!! I will do it!!
  11. Is a financial and economic strategy with which I disagree is because down the bar on the quality of the kit just to produce AM to sell. But we are talking about a short-run kit, multimedia one that for me, as a multi-media kit should have resin and all the stuff (PE) to make it quite good with no need of more AM. The first release has a very good packing!! Love the resin and the PE!! It was a fantastic release.... Now is a plastic, short run model kit... equal to all other sort run, like Ace in 1:72... See... you already having problems with the tyres! a strange problem? The best option: AM resin tyres made by LZ Models (sister brand of Mirror) ....going to pay more for an already expensive model kit (short-run one)... All brands should have a quality standard and Mirror start by have resin tyres in their kits...Giving that up, for me, they drop the quality of their kits just to have an AM set to sell. I would love to get my hands on this one before your review....now, I really have my doubts....
  12. Nigel I also prefer these ones to vinyl tyres! Just saying that is a strange option coming from Mirror because the CMP C15TA (Ref. 35100), the very first release from Mirror came with resin tyres... much better option!
  13. Nice review! I was very curious about this one. Mirror has very interesting subjects and this is one of then... Looks like that lots of works and long hours to get this one to the best of it. Those wheels are in half??? that`s a strange option isn`t it?
  14. Very nice review for this beautifull kit!!A must have for me... just too much asked for it....
  15. very good work!! Very hard to work on a white camouflage!
  16. If I extend the deadline for 2 months? Can you do it Martin? Need to Talk with the GB Sponsor! News soon! Fran
  17. Great work! An iconic plane!
  18. Great looking Eindeckers! Nice buckling!
  19. Very good Job
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