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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. That jig is a good idea. If only other kits had those . And hope you get better from covid.
  2. Upper and lower hull fitting. Made few mistakes. Hopefully addon armor fill cover gaps :)
  3. I would like to have metal tracks. Or workable tracks made of plastic. Any recommendations?
  4. Lower hull almost done. I am impressed level of detail this kit has.
  5. I am sad about FRIULMODEL Excellent products and customer service. I have one more set tracks for my churchill tank fortunately.
  6. "The FRIULMODEL company intends to close the business."
  7. Thank you Yes Fruil tracks used in this build. Added headlight and smoke laucher cables. Fire extinguisher decal taken from some old project. Added chaing to towhook.
  8. Stunner! Can you please tell me more about this paint scheme?
  9. Suspension units done. Here is my basic tools which i use to remove spruemarkings. I do not use metalfile. Sandingsticks are made of stirringsticks and sandingpaper glued together. Then i remove sanding marks with scotch brite. What are your basic tools?
  10. Nice work. Great engine. Shame to cover it up.
  11. My second serious attempt to build armor model. Finished this summer. Painted TS-3 spray and basic colors. Weathering and few things i could have done differently. Still learning. Feedback needed.
  12. Oh no. Hang in there my friend. I just I got better from covid second time. It was not fun
  13. Nice work! What paints you used those ammo/shell?
  14. Nice looking weathering. Very realistic.
  15. Thank you for support.
  16. "The opportunity to weather something to death" True. That was the idea. To learn and try different techniques. Also i like angular surfaces.
  17. Thank you. Just realised how hard this plastic is compared to Tamiya.
  18. Thank you. I used TS-46 spray. But anything else is hand brushed. I used oilcolors to create lighter sunfaded areas.
  19. Hobbyboss 1/35 Started with wheels.
  20. My other hobby........ Arcade games, NES games, watches, RC cars, whisky tasting, reading, mountain bike and gym.
  21. Nice detailwork on interior. Stunning.
  22. Yes i have been watching Panzermeister36 also. And few others. My next build is IDF APC Nagmachon (Doghouse I) from hobbyboss. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/hobbyboss-83869-idf-apc-nagmachon-doghouse-i--777943 I have lot to learn...specially in weathering. I will be posting my tiger I build which i finished this summer soon.
  23. yes i have been watching. Also few other youtubers. Thank you for feedback.
  24. My first build in 10 years and sixth build overall. Using only basic tools and colors. No airbrush. Still learning. Feedback needed but please be kind
  25. Hi all. Just joined this forum. Not new to his hobby but i had i 10 year break. Then gravitated towards tanks models and larger scale. I have build tamiya 1/35 tiger and abrams. Posting images soon.
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