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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Fokker E.IV, 163/16, AOK 3 Fokkerstaffel, Kurt Student, August 1916

James H

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Guys and gals,


Francisco has chosen to kick off the first ever WNWF GB with the amazing Eindecker kits. I'm throwing my hat into the ring and building one of the very latest that I've just reviewed HERE.


I'll build: Fokker E.IV, 161/16, Lt. Müller, Kest 6, April 1917  SCHEME CHANGED....see notes further down.




My motive? You can hardly see those cowl swirls ;)

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Guys and gals,


Francisco has chosen to kick off the first ever WNWF GB with the amazing Eindecker kits. I'm throwing my hat into the ring and building one of the very latest that I've just reviewed HERE.


I'll build: Fokker E.IV, 161/16, Lt. Müller, Kest 6, April 1917




My motive? You can hardly see those cowl swirls ;)


Great "derelict" scheme, Jim! Looking forward to the weathering you'll do on this one!


That profile is already taken! I'm doing that one!  :rtfm:  :rtfm:  :rtfm:


Too late!






But you know I love you, dontcha? making-fun-054.GIF

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The interior main parts of the E.IV are quite different to the earlier Eindecker versions. 


I have to say the sidewalls are extremely delicate and take some careful clean up, but I now have all the cockpit parts removed and ready for paint and assembly. I'll try to get some images online tomorrow, but there will be minimal assembly at this stage. This is my first time with an Eindecker kit, and I have to say I'm loving it!

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I've recently received threats with menaces from Jeroen. The prospect of physical violence at Telford was a reality. I trod on his toes, and I am real sorry. Jeroen wished to do this scheme that I had chosen, and I should have respected my feudal overlord. 


In light of that, I'm changing my scheme to Kurt Students E.IV, 163/16, AOK 3 Fokkerstaffel, August 1916




....actually, I wanted to try my hand at those swirls, a grimy fuselage with weathered decals, plus I wanted to add the wind-pump, wing anemometer and headrest (optional and not shown in this profile), but Jeroen's happier to think his threats have won... ;)

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Hahaha Jim! Did Jeroen threaten to spoon you at Telford?


Those swirls are easier than you think!


I dread to think!




Ok, did some work today. The internal main parts are painted in their basic colours, pending any detailing, decaling etc. The Eindecker interior is quite simple, and has NO instrument panel  :thumbsup2:


I've pretty much used the suggested colours, with me having to swap out the Tamiya RLM02 equivalent for the Gunze one. I'll add some castor staining on the internal fuselage walls, and some shadow behind the side walls framing too....just to give some dimension.


Everything should start to pop out once the detail is added, and the internal rigging/turnbuckles are installed. I opted to paint the fuel tank in Alclad instead of the suggested green though.....my only deviation from things so far.






The cockpit floor and rear bulkhead will be done in Uschi's wood grain decal....the same manner and preparation as for the Bachem Natter...






There ya go.....more soon.

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Despite the world conspiring against me this last couple of weeks, I finally managed to lay paint for the cockpit parts, and get to the point where I'm almost ready to seal this baby up. THAT is my favourite part.




The cockpit floor is done with Uschi wood grain decal, with the trap doors layered twice to give a richer appearance. Everything has been washed, matted and dry-brushed etc.






For the first time, I got the hairspray technique to work too, and did the fuel tank with this. You won't see any of this when sealed up, but at least I did it!




The interior walls were given a mottle effect with Tamiya pastels, and castor staining with Mig Oil & Grease wash. To apply to the proper area, I marked the location of the the frame vertical posts, and added the oil up against this, as you see in photos. I toned the oil/grease down with more pastel.








I've already rigged the interior, but those shots, along with installed seatbelts, will be next.

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It's been a month and a half since I updated this, so I apologise. It's been manic here. I have now finished this model, so I'll post some general update images and some finished ones for you.


I've spent days writing now, so I'll just post the images for you. Most of them speak for themselves. Any questions, then fire away! ;)
























Many thanks to Richard from Aviattic for the loan of the Flyer's Badge too!


This one will be posted in a future edition of Military Illustrated Modeller. I think issue #37

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