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This is going to be a build of Werner's Wings' upcoming 1/32 Avia S-199 conversion for the Hasegawa/ProModeler  bf109G series of kits.  Thank you very much to Floyd Werner for giving me the chance to build this ugly-yet-good-looking bf109 mod. 


I'll be building this quickly as these photos are destined for the instruction sheet in the set. So cheer me on if you want one of these sets as the sooner I get this thing done, the sooner Floyd can release the sets for sale! This conversion will be a very limited production run of 100; contact Werners Wings at www.wernerswings.com if you don't want to miss out.


The conversion is designed to be used with any of the -G series kits as wing fairings, tall tail, and erla haube canopy are included.  I'll be using a ProModeler 109G-4 for the build to use all (?) of the resin included in this set.


So what's in the box? a bunch of resin parts, a vac-form Erla canopy and a vac-form bulged canopy as seen on later Czech versions of the plane.  You get five marking options - three Chzech and two Israeli. Paint/decal guide is well done and the decals look great.


The only difficulty so far is that the resin caster filled in the supercharger intake and cast it as a solid piece whereas the master was very well done and hollow.  Options are to hollow it out with a dremel tool or use a standard 109G intake. Using a standard 109 supercharger intake will mean that you need to reangle the attachment so that it sits at the right angle to the nose.


To see photos of the set and the construction, follow the link to the photos in my Picasa album.  I'll come back and resize the photos for posting on the bulletin boards once the build is done, hopefully later this week.


So far, all the major parts seem like they will fit nearly perfectly, if not perfectly. This is going to be a fun build!!


Cheers for tonight,



Well phew, the express build is done!, I can start taking my time painting this set and assembling as a full model now. By the way, i can sum up the quality of this in one word - Gorgeous.


Floyd is finishing the instruction sheets tonight/tomorrow so he should be able to ship these sets this week. Here are some photos:






















And more pics. Note that the bulged canopy has only been very roughly trimmed, i can already tell it fits perfectly - classic Falcon quality vacuform.











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