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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 Brassin B-17G Guns 632026


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B-17G guns

Catalogue # 632026
Available from Eduard for 29,95€
Bunny Fighter Club price: 25,46€



Eduard have recently released their resin Gun set for the HK Models 1/32 B-17G, and what a set this is!!

The set, numbered 632 026 is supplied in the now common Brassin Packaging as shown here.


The set contains a total of 27 resin parts and 24 PE parts on a single fret measuring 23 x 25mm.My sample exhibited no issues with bubbles or warping. There were also no breakages, which is testament to Eduard's packaging, are you listening Aires!!


There are four different styles of gun, automatic, left and right loaded and Manually operated, left and right hand loaded.


Notice the extremely crisp detail on the breeches and also the cooling holes on the barrel jackets. here I have tried to show the detail on all four faces of the breeches. As previously mentioned, VERY crisp.


The Breeches in the HK kit are made in a range of sizes, which is incorrect, then the barrels are also made in a range of lengths to give the guns the right "look". The B-25 suffers the same issue. maybe Eduard will make a set of guns for that kit too??

Now we come to the big feature of this set, it is not just a set of machine guns, but a complete set of replacement and updated mountings. For example, the radio room gun mount in the HK model is very basic. This set fully replaces the mount with a correct replica of the sheet metalwork found on the real aircraft. There are also upgrade parts for the waist guns. All of this is very visible on the finished model.


See the instructions for more detail of the replacement mounts.

Here is the PE fret, covering the gun sight parts.


The instructions are supplied as four sides of A5 paper printed in colour with a painting guide, calling up Gunze colours.





In summary, this set is a great addition to enhance your 1/32 B-17G. Not only are the inaccurate oddly sized guns in the kit replaced with accurate renditions of the real guns, but you will also be replicating the mounts more accurately. If there is a small downside to the set, it is that the barrels weren't supplied as separate parts to be added after final assembly. Having said that, it will be a very simple job to cut the barrels off and glue them back to their breeches at the end of your build. You may even decide to drill the breeches and fit brass barrels instead?

Thanks go to Eduard for producing this great set and also for supplying the set for this review. These guns will be used on my B-17 build, I may buy another set for my B-25, unless Eduard produce a dedicated set for that kit too?

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Hey Nige


Thanks for the review


I cannot help but think that when shelling out lots of money on aftermarket (remind us again how much this is?) that resin barrels are just not the way to go


My guess is that the detail freaks will probably buy this, and then buy master barrels on top...


That's a lot of dosh


The resin does look nice, but for me half this set is in the wrong medium


Thanks again for bringing your reviews here - whether I agree with your conclusions or not, I really like them





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Thanks for the review Nigel. As always, I'm grateful you folks take the time to do this. I was contemplating the Master barrels, but 12-13 of them is really not cost effective. Not to mention, it would only solve the barrel issue, and leave me with having to detail HK's recievers. This solves all the problems. Reasonably priced, great detail, and recievers specifically molded for proper placement!


As for the B-25, I'm hoping they do, but I'm holding out for the H model, so unless they also do the 75mm cannon, I may go with Master on that one!

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As for the B-25, I'm hoping they do, but I'm holding out for the H model, so unless they also do the 75mm cannon, I may go with Master on that one!


...and I can confirm we will have that here in the next week or so (B-25H)

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...and I can confirm we will have that here in the next week or so (B-25H)


Ho-Ho!  If you're getting the 25H next week, do you have any inkling about when it will be available to the public or is this to coincide with the public release?  I'm thinking I might like the H (remembering fondly the old Monogram B-25H from long ago).  Looking forward to seeing how HK rendered the 75 and the nose in general.




Nice review on the resin guns and engines.  They do look very nice and highly detailed.  You do the aftermarket industry a great service when buying and reviewing their products and I thank you for it.  These sets will add a level of detail that does not currently exist within the kit.  Having said that however, my interest in the kit has long faded and unless things change drastically with the next one, I don't see any change in my disposition.

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Thanks for your comments on my review style guys.


I think this set is well worth the money as the kit parts are not a patch on these for quality or accuracy... you may decide the engines are a little OTT, especially if you want to go the "in flight" route. I personally think they are worth every penny, but then I don't have a tight budget or a Mrs bank manager watching what I spend...


I actually think James should give me the first Lancaster in the country to review, I'll send it straight back, I promise!!


If anyone would like to see a review on any of the Eduard B-17 AM, please let me know, I have every single piece they've produced!!

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Like Tim, I built the Monogram B-25H as a teen, however, my fondness comes from the idea that some brilliant, (or foolish, yet lucky), soul found a way to mount an anti-tank gun under the flight deck and make things go BOOM!


Lol...actually, I enjoyed the Monogram model as well. At some point I plan to do one of all 3 models HK is offering, I just happen to love the H most of all. The photos of the Air Apaches flying just off the deck and hitting Japanese shipping has always fascinated me!

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Just one request on my part: price please :)


Whilst it would be nice to review and model in 'financial vacuum' unfortunately for 99% of us cost is a consideration


For me quality of product is considered alongside price in order to make up my mind


That applies equally to my reviewing and to my modelling


Thanks again for bringing your reviews here - really good to see them


All the best



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