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cutting micro tube?


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I dont know what it is when it comes to me and cutting, but for the life of me I can't seem to score .5mm tube evenly all around. The result is when I go to snap it, I get an uneven break!  :'(


Any hints or tips on how to do this properly? 


Do you just let the new blade of a knife rest against the tube, or do you need to apply some pressure? It doesn't seem to want to roll in the jig I am using when I try and score it all around.


My goal is to be able to cut it 1.5mm long, but I cant even cut it 15mm straight!



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Show the jig.


You will need to score all the way around and the knife should go through evenly , there should'nt be any "snapping" involved.


Try sliding a piece of solid rod into the tube end, this will stop the tube from caving in as you rotate/cut it.


You could also solder a 'T' onto the opposite end of the tube to facilitate rotation.


Easy technique , but like most needs to be practised to get the "touch".


K&S Tools makes a small tubing cutter , I think .5 mm may be too small for it  but Micro Mark carries it. So does Dave @ Burnaby Hobbies.


Good luck!

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I place on a rubber mat, and use a fresh scalpel blade and roll it over the tube, applying a little pressure. Eventually it gives, and you get a pretty clean cut. Depends on the material you use too. Works well on brass, copper and Nickel-Silver for me.

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You have to push the blade forward to roll the tube.


Go slow on the first 360 degree rotation ,to make sure the cut lines up as you roll.


A forward pressure is more important than the downward pressure.


Use your free hand to help the tube roll.

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I use a tube just a little larger in diameter and shorter in length of the tube you want to cut, or rod for that matter.  Measure the length you want cut and set the edge of the short (guide) tube to set the blade against as you roll it.  You can tape the oppsoite end, or non cutting side, to hold it in place.

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