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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

MDC Hawker Typhoon, finished after all this time

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Well after a year of plugging away it's finally finished though I can still spot things that need correcting but I give up !


The kit is still the best Hawker Typhoon kit in 1/32 scale but it is not the easiest of kits to build, challenging is an apt description, the instruction are absolutely useless, which is a shame as some of the resin castings are superb. The rockets do not come with the kit and are purchased separately from MDC.


The main markings apart from one fin flash, which I messed up and had to resort to a decal (sorry for the D word Mal) are painted using Miracle Paint Masks, stencils are from Aviaeology and the canopy is a Squadron vac form jobby. Paints are Xtracolor for the main finish and Humbrol for the detail parts.

 So on with the photos







And here it is alongside the Revell Typhoon, I built this one in the early 1990's but it was refinished in 2004/5








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Beautiful work Dennis.


You have given me much inspiration for my MDC Tiffy build.  Agree this is not an easy kit.  Yes, this is a build of angst and the instructions are quite useless.


As I complete each step I see a nice rendering on the way.  Hope I can finish mine as nicely as you finished yours.  Bravo Denis!

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Well then you need to do penance! ;)


Looks very good, I have one of these and I do need to make a start; just too many other kits on the go! :)

Thanks Mal, I think challenging is the word for this kit !


Wow great looking build!! I just started a vintage Revell 1/32 Hawker Typhoon. I hope I reach the level you did with your build!!

The Revell kit apart goes together well, I did not use any AM parts at all, I did buy an MDC prop for it but after assembly and painting it looked about the same as the kit one so I did not use it, the worst fit on the kit is the canopy which required a fair bit of fettling.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Mal, I think challenging is the word for this kit !


The Revell kit apart goes together well, I did not use any AM parts at all, I did buy an MDC prop for it but after assembly and painting it looked about the same as the kit one so I did not use it, the worst fit on the kit is the canopy which required a fair bit of fettling.





Yep Dennis I ran into a ill fitting canopy, lol!! had to set it twice!!

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Yep Dennis I ran into a ill fitting canopy, lol!! had to set it twice!!

Hi Ralph, yes it was a pain, after a lot of sanding and test fitting of the canopy I had to cut grooves in the fuselage to make it fit !





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