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Ah well...another update :unsure:



Stuff happened...you might noticed the "black 22" all the sudden became a "blue 22".

Not because I changed my mind, but because I placed the 22 decals too high on one side. When I noticed it...it was too late.

I tried to get them on the move again with water, set and sol, but they refused to move.

For a day or two I thought..."pff...nobody will notice it and nobody cares", but for my own peace of mind...I ripped them off with tape (thank goodness...no paint damage).

My escape was the second option Barracuda gave me...the blue version of the same.


So now Anders is right...they're blue now. Must be some kind of witchcraft, after all...he seen them blue before they were blue :blink:


Where I am now? Final touches stage.

Done all the decals...just like what I did with the G-14, I airbrushed the inside of the top wing crosses to get rid of the silvering. Varnished the kit with a mix of matt and semi gloss.

Done the varnished natural wooden underwing Morane antenna with an Uschi woodgrain decal and added most missing bits and bobs.

Received the prop jig and the prop and spinner are now RLM 70...can finish that tomorrow...1/3 white with a soft edge to do.

Canopy frames done...need to scratch the handle bars and the  Galland armour braces. Oh...and the pitot tube from Albion tube and wire.

Must also scratch the Revi 16B, because of the minor Northstar misfortune.


Last but not least...some very minor chipping and weathering.


I'll go on vacation on thursday...must be ready before I leave!





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How a book (with scale drawings)pays off instantly..


And a nice prop...with a handy jig...



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Last two photos before it's ready. Only the weatering to do now.
Will take 2 weeks or so, because I go on vacation tomorrow.


Note the brighter (but still low contrast) RLM 82 on the elevators.


It was another fun build with very few demons to slay.
Next will be the 1940 GB Eduard E-3, but I'm already looking forward to the Wfr.Gr.21 equiped G-6.
I'll probably get myself a Brassin pit for that one...will speed up the build for sure. The pit for this one cost me 2 weeks :wacko:

Thanks for watching and thanks for the tips and comments.





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Thanks! ...and greetings from sunny Lanzarote :)


Looking forward to finish this build, but on hold because of...see above.

But of course I took some stuff with me to work on...me bad....working on 2 109 pits here. Just took the pit parts with me.

No paint, but can do a lot with some Albion, Evergreen, scrap pe, sprue, HGW belts and some tools and glue. Oh...and a small magnifying lamp.


One more week without my airbrush to go...I'll survive...I hope :unsure:






I'm "back in town"

Vacation or not...the 109 production didn't stop :rolleyes:


Almost finished 2 pits, some more plumbing left to do.


Okey...back to the G-10 now...and I'll start with the 1940 GB E-3 next week.








Thanks for the advise and encouragements. I'll post some more photos in the finished builds section.


On to the 1940 GB E-3 now.





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