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  1. Past hour
  2. Rob, my Porsche is still in the box. I haven't started it yet. I haven't had the courage yet to start it.
  3. Today
  4. Hi Doc, Emilio Pensuti was a test pilot for the Italian company ‘Caproni’ (Società Per Lo Sviluppo in Italia). During 1918 he designed a small triplane aircraft, which he hoped could be flown by anyone and would become the ‘bicycle of the air’. Unfortunately, Emilio Pensuti was killed in an unrelated aircraft accident and the maiden flight was delayed. It wasn’t until the 10th of February 1919 that its first flight took place at Vizzola, piloted by Lt. Lodovico Montegani. The intention was only to taxi the machine pending its engine tuning. So, he started with a throttled engine. Halfway down the airfield, because of uneven ground, the machine bounced into the air. Montegani felt from that jump that the triplane had good lift and was well balanced. Then, he gave more throttle, pulled the control column, and found himself flying. On later test flights, Montegani flew for 30 minutes and even longer. The tiny triplane climbed up to 1000 meters, performed turn, spirals, dives and pull-outs. After the war the Pensuti family sold the rights to the aircraft design to the ‘Breda’ company. A second aircraft with a redesigned tail, Anzani 10-cylinder radial engine and other modifications was built at the Breda factory in Milan as the Breda B.1. The aircraft was registered I-BADZ and it gained the second prize at the Italian low-powered aircraft competition held in the summer of 1920 in Milan. Mike
  5. Thank you Carl, when my wife was in Berlin some weeks ago, I let her bring different types of double sided adhesive tape back. Some transparent, some black widths spreading from 1mm up to 19 mm. Very helpful with this build and not to get sent to my island. Like you mention, the level of detail can be demanding with these kits, specially finishing the body with all the sub assemblies and mounting everything onto the chassis are steps, which need to be well planned ahead. Did you finish your Porsche? I´d like to see more of it. Cheers Rob
  6. A triplane with three cylinders and a lot of rigging, what´s not to like, Mike. I wonder, how flying in this tiny apparatus must have been felt. Fantastic work again Mike and I love the guy sitting by his table. Cheers Rob
  7. Sleek looking plane, Carl. Should be finished soon. Cheers Rob
  8. Painting alternates with masking and this is the effect I achieved.
  9. Hi Gus and Kevin, thanks but yeah, mine are from 2015 so can't lift the clear carrier film. These are currently shown before the top clear coat so hopefully the film will disappear. Here is how things look now, sorry for the out of focus pic: The decals are doing pretty well settling down into the detail. I've applied about 90% of the stencils so far. SADLY, This is one of two places where I've found parts of a fingerprint in the wash. And a little bit that didn't get painted. Coming together...
  10. Got the Sea Fury gear doors painted. Flaps too. And installed.
  11. I was seeing just that outer film around the insignia on fuse and started Gus.
  12. Thanks Mike when over at MSW Chris posted his card kit of this very same plane very Dark Green shows the chipping happening along panel lines also
  13. Yesterday
  14. I think it's only the Eduard decals from mid-2020 onward which have the removeable film. Yours are from 2015 aren't they Chris, so definitely the conventional style.
  15. Making some good progress Chris. Nice work.
  16. Outstanding build quality and detail! Very interesting subject as well.
  17. Hi all, The MicroMir 1:32nd scale model of the Italian Caproni-Pentusi AP-1 civilian triplane of 1918. The fully detailed PDF build log of this model can be downloaded from the 'Build Logs' page on my web site. Mikes WW1 Aircraft Models Mike
  18. Looking good Kevin - love the colors! Turning out very nice!
  19. Wow, not an easy thing to assemble there Rob. Nice problem solving using the tape instead of the spacer. It's really like building an actual car. On my MFH Porsche 956, the brakes have separate pads for the calipers along with the spring clip that holds them in place.
  20. This build is like a rollercoaster ride sometimes. After checking my building sequence again (very important), I decided, it´s time to add the doors, which means, I have to deal with the side windows, a task, I really feared and I was right to do so. This is, how it should be done. After drilling all the holes for the rivets with a 0,7 mm drill bit, you cut all the window panes and fairings for the sliding window from a luckily pre printed clear acetate sheet. This proved to be not so easy, it was hard, to have all the strips look equal. I tried first to use my DSPIAE profile cutter, where the blade bet slightly with the long cuts and rendered the parts unusable. I moved on to use a steel ruler and a new scalpel blade then. But how to glue everything together and align the parts perfectly, for fitting in the rivets. I decided to improvise a bit. I skipped the spacers (CS5) and used 1mm wide double sided clear adhesive tape instead. To reach the sufficient thickness, I had to apply two strips onto each other. These strips with the CS4 parts were then glued onto the window pane, trying to fit the pre drilled holes. With the second strip in place, I re-drilled the holes again, now with a 0,6 mm drill bit through the adhesive tape and then inserted the rivets. Luckily the residues of adhesive tape in the holes fixed the rivets. Unfortunately, cutting and assembling must be made on a relatively hard surface and that lead to scratches. The result looks horrible, but I think, I have to live with that, re doing the strips would result in more scratches on the window panes and I don´t have spare acetate. The only upside, the windows actually slide . Cheers Rob
  21. Thank you Carl, the Cobra is a demanding project for sure. I can´t understand anymore, why I shied away from rigging my Duchess of Kingston wooden sailing boat . Cheers Rob
  22. Good addition!
  23. Adding weeds
  24. I have been working this while things settle on the George.I had all the panels on the front left side masked and painted and sprayed the wrong color their goes 45/60 minuted of masking ....
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