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About Spitfire

  • Birthday 02/09/1952

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    Wirral United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Scale models, Motorcycles, DIY, Reading

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  1. That looks to be have been a great show, some fantastic modelling on display. Thank you for taking the time to post them. Cheers Dennis
  2. Having recently built the PCM Fabric wing Hurricane I can thoroughly recommend the Wingleader Photo Archive Number 3, Hawker Hurricane Mk.I in RAF service NW Europe 1935 to the Battle of Britain. It's probably the only reference that you will need for early Hurricanes. Cheers Dennis
  3. Nice one Cheers Dennis
  4. Great news, with the new Revell Sea Hurricane this will be a must have for me in 2025, a metal winged Mk.I to go with my PCM fabric wing Mk.I. Cheers Dennis
  5. Now that is really sad, hope you can rebuild it. Cheers Dennis
  6. Sad news, Harv was an essential part of this site for me from the very begining. RIP Dennis
  7. The Sea Hurricane version of this kit should be out this year, https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235151512-new-revell-132-sea-hurricane-mkiic/ Cheers Dennis
  8. Nice to hear your positive experience of using them Martin, I have a C.202 to build in the near future so will try them out on it. Cheers Dennis
  9. As I am a 100% enamel user the closing of Sovereign Colourcoats made me think about checking out other sources of paint, I know that Colourcoats are being resurected but I thought that I would investigate another make that I heard about on another forum. So like Martin (see above) I ordered some paint sets from ARCUS in Ukraine and they duly arrived today, so on my next Italian build I will give them a try. Cheers Dennis
  10. Nice build of a pretty challenging kit, I built the same kit not so long ago on a run of 4 PCM kits, they are not easy builds but can turn out looking good. Cheers Dennis
  11. That looks great hope mine turns out as nice but it won't have the same markings Cheers Dennis
  12. Now they look great, with the failure of Sovereign Colourcoats I was scrambling to increase my stocks of MM, Humbrol and Xtracolor, just in case. Ok so Sovereign have been resurected but it's nice to know that there are other enamel ranges out there. Cheer Dennis
  13. Used but not abused, nice work. Cheers Dennis
  14. Beautiful build, very reasuring as I have the Seafang and Spiteful in the stash. Cheers Dennis
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