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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Wooooow thanks for that i didnt see that comming. appriciat it. Mark
  2. Tallies and sand box are great. Any idee when this will start? Just for planning Mark
  3. Wonderful job you are almost there. I love it Mark
  4. Yesterday last day at the unit. My buddy's gave me this. Damn what a suprisse Thank you buddy's Mark
  5. Not model related. After 3 years an 2 months on my job at hq its time to move on. I have another job at hq so today it whas time to say goodbeye to my buddy's. And i have got this from the RSM. Another nice surprise whas a flight in de sim off the A400M It whas very impresive and i had the luck to fly for 15 min and try to land that beast. So on the first off juli new challenges on the way. Mark
  6. Time to do some work on the agm-78 These are from reskit. And pylons thats it reskit didt a awsome job. Mark
  7. So reskit is sending a replacment part so no preblem there. New color on the F-105 when cleaning up first wheelbay in place after a lot off sanding on the aires part Going for the next wing. Mark
  8. Just folowd up your build You are doing a great job very nice details an good wheatering. Mark Like you said its trail and error but thats how we learn it
  9. Small progress A bit off fun with wheels First try . Then some pe fun for the battery box Cleaning up parts and dryfitting. Thats it for now. Mark
  10. Time for good news and bad news Good news Feuselage closed without problems. And tail Fin on . Bad news. The rudder is to small on the bottom i have a big gap so i gave sent a email to reskit with the pic so i hope its just a bad part and the can send me a replacement. this is the real one. So now i wait but still other things to do on the thud Mark
  11. wow nice one on the FW16. looking forward to that one. Mark
  12. Yes indeed we come a long way i still remember my first kits from matchbox in 3 collors of plastic. But for me give me a good box off plastic and i will be happy. 3d printing is fun but also alot off work to do like washing and curing the parts. Not every print you do will be perfect and the resin isnt that cheap iff you go for good qaulity. It all depends how far you whant to go. But for this type off printing i love it. Mark
  13. still thinking about getting one an convert it to a water bomber but with the rotor fold. Mark
  14. Not my own i dondt have the skillls to make somthing like that.But iff you google it unbelieveble what ou find that you can print. The fig itself is abaut 42cm witout the base. Mark
  15. wonderfull work you are doing. I would leave the exhaust area like it is or maybe a bit off smoke over it to at more dirt. Mark
  16. Here we go on next update Mark
  17. The reskit stuff is just great. To remove the supports just take your time. About the decals mine where thin on the sidwinders and harms with a bit of decal setting no problem at all. Mark
  18. a few hours off fun with the pit still not done now thats it. Any one a idee about color for the wheelbays? Instructions cal out for zinc chromate green. but i have found pics where the are light grey white and some are silver . Thanks Mark
  19. thank you all for the nice words Mark
  20. front part side consoles done. going for the rear tomorow. Mark
  21. News from reskit The are also planning for engine and cockpit i will start saving. Mark
  22. Thabks Peter doing my best its slow work fitting 10 times only one cut Yes i have seen that post from reskit to but im going to pass on the intakes. I hope the canopy will be release before i finish this one. Looking forward to your F conversion Mark
  23. I like it so far on the exhaust. You are on the right track. Mark
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