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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. I think so too. Perhaps I will run a rivetting tool along the strips before coating them with a final layer of Mr Surfacer to represent the stitches. Will do some experimenting first (not on the Manchester). Cees
  2. Excellent, could have flown right out of a Blake & Mortimer graphic novel. Beautiful lines.
  3. Hi Wayne, I think we all have that feeling after having finished a model. I also tend to think the next should be better, and it usually is. We are our worst critics you know. It's the fun that counts. Cees
  4. Punch and Judy for the non-Dutch contingent.
  5. Indeed, this Perspex used is very hard and difficult to sand. But using a craft knife you can carve away the big bits and smooth it with a very coarse file from the toolchest. After polishing it should be fine. Tom, perhaps the tape is a bit too pronounced but another coat of Mr Surfacer should tone that tone a bit.
  6. Jan Klaassen?
  7. Here's a small selection, it is not representative of a wartime aircraft as it is fitted with 16 passenger seats, but you sure get the idea you are in a very old aircraft, and the noise is deafening.
  8. I only use my smartphone to take pics because I'm lazy. Cees
  9. Wingtip lights have been sanded and first stage polishing.
  10. Impressive work sofar Paul, Yesterday I had the privilege to fly in the Dutch Catalina PH-PBY. It was a magnificent experience. You really have the feeling you are in a boat with wings. The view from the side blisters is breathtaking. Keep the updates coming please.
  11. Very. We have one in the Netherlands too. Unrestored and in deep storage at the Aviodrome museum. Wonder why the swapped it for a historic Dutch Spitfire. Love Tweety on the windscreen. Cees
  12. Nice rubber gaitors. Cees
  13. No pics this time but all four wingtip lights have been made from perspex. Carving and sanding is underway to shap them to the graceful tips. After that the nacelles will be under investigation. Cees
  14. Thanks, that will be probably sooner than later. Sanding the perspex wingtip lights at the moment. I agree that Milliput is heavy and slow drying, that P38 sounds good, might try that sometime. Cees
  15. Update. Look at the Heinkel 111, must be a nice idea for Jeroen's project. http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?139731-RAF-Museum-Hendon-BofB-Hall-Aircraft-latest
  16. Tom, I know you feel great after having pulled off this potentially problem stage but you passed with flying colours. It must be awkward handling the model while you were filling and sanding those nacelles. I noticed that the fuselage has that square bulk as the original and looks just great. What is the difference between that P38 filler you use and Milliput? I would have made that nacelle mostly from Milliput but the problem would be that the model would become too heavy. Hmm, perhaps I have answered my own queston already. For the Manchester I have to completely build the nacelles from scratch too so your tutorial is right on time. Keep it up, this is getting better and better with every update. Cees
  17. Well, it's starting to look like a Mirage. And very nicely too. Cees
  18. Fashioning wingtiplightcovers from thick perspex. With a drill a hole is....well...drilled to represent a clear bulb. The front covers will have a similar set up but with the cavitties filled with red and green paint. Then some serious hacking is needed to shape the wingtips. First time I used this glue, it works great. Cees
  19. Indeed, never knew about that different shaped firewall, I also assumed they were circular. Cees
  20. Indeed and also note how badly the airframes were conserved in the early seventies by pouring that red stuff everywhere. The Halifax is covered with it on the outside. Although they are cleaning it up at the moment. Cees
  21. Hi Gus, That is still open to debate. Perhaps I will try Jeroen's way on his Hurricane by using PET-plastic from packaging. With strip I will make a ledge for the transparency to fit on to sit flush with the wingsurface. But as Tom says, small updates like this can get the blocked modelling juices flowing again. Cees
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