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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Nicey nice Jeroen, How are you going to disquise the many joints in the canopy? Making the edges black? Cees
  2. Same here, you had me fooled too Jimbo-San! Cees
  3. Rick, What a treat to see this build. The flare racks are a nice touch. Will be following closely. Cheers Cees
  4. Wow that canopy detailing really looks great. No matter how well a model is made the eye always seems to be drawn to details like this. Cees
  5. Very nice kit. I'll have a Mk II please. Cees
  6. Hi Andrew, Welcome to LSM, looking forward to seing that langnasen. Cees
  7. I like that very much. Cees
  8. Were those 1/6 Lancs built Dennis? Cees
  9. That milky "troep" reminds me of some of the good old Matchbox' decal sheets, which made things very messy. But that was only incidentally. Cees
  10. Indeed there has been talk about it since 2008. The mock ups are about that old too. A Wellington was also build. A Halifax and Stirling would be nice too. Cees
  11. Some more footage of the several Lancaster mock ups that were made in China for the upcoming (although talked about for years) film remake by Peter Jackson. They look great by the way I wonder if HK Models was involved. Cees http://www.urbanghostsmedia.com/2016/06/avro-lancaster-replica-dam-busters-remake/
  12. Well you seem to have enough on your plate for the time being. Keep it up. Cees
  13. You haven't got your antennae-wires crossed but gave them a bit of slack. Cees
  14. Me too, this opens many opportunities. Will you be doing the Talboy/Grand slam too? Cees
  15. That has turned out really well Ralph. Cees
  16. Please do Paul as the Catalina is another type full of character. Cees
  17. Gaham, Any pics of the cookie? Cees
  18. Tom, Don'thave any of these, would have to find out if there are any aftermarket ones available. But a full load with doors open always look great to my eyes. Being the Manchester these will have to be the early long tail ones with the mustard yellow finish. Cees
  19. That is because I'm crazy Fran. Perfectly normal business as usual for me though. Cees
  20. Tom, No, that is where I will stop, never been a fan of doing wheelbays as you can barely see into them unless you place the model over a mirror. When I did the Revell Beaufighter I did some extensive scratchbuilding on the interior and exteror but left the bays alone, when picking up the model from time to time I never notice anyway. The wheeldoors also prevent seing into it. I think I have my work cut out already with the bombay and cockpit. Do you have an in progress pic of your Lancaster bombay? Cees
  21. I wouldn't take restored aircraft with a pinch of salt but a bucketful instead. During service nobody was interested if an aircraft looked pretty or was fully finished according to specifications. Cees
  22. Evening all Had to make a new bombayfloor as the other one was too thick and would lie too low. Sticking tge strips did not go too well and had to rethink my strategy. Also made stub pieces on the sides to get an even support along the lenght. Cheers Cees
  23. Good of you to point out that the rods are fully encapsulated. That was my first thought when I saw the pics (what!, the rods are sticking out?) Cees.
  24. You hit the nail on the head by stating that it is the character that's important. That's how I feel too. The Tamiya Lancaster for example failed miserably in that class regarding the windscreen and nose section. However impressive it (still) is. Cees
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