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About leitch144

  • Birthday 09/20/1965

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  • Location
    Liverpool, NY, USA
  • Interests
    Modelling, Aircraft

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  1. Enter me please Andy
  2. Your going to love that kit, I hope you have some good Magnifiers.
  3. But shipping to the US from England is VERY high right now Andy
  4. John Have you tried colourcoats, they are enamel and available here in the states? https://www.whiteensignmodels.com/c/RAFFAA/1268/1/#.X_7akBZOmHs I have had good results with them. Andy
  5. Please count me in. I will try and find something to give, having had Covid money is a little tight right now. Andrew
  6. Count me in again
  7. Their Host is down and saying 72 hours to fix, LSP are not hppy
  8. I would think it would be done by August, no quarantine by then.
  9. I maybe wrong but I thought the gun bays and wheel wells on the P-47 were all Zinc Chromate Yellow? Andy
  10. Thanks to Bill_S Raffle prize arrived safe Thank you Andy
  11. Please count me in I will look through the stash and find something to give Andy
  12. Thank you sir, feeling a spritely 54 today.
  13. Always wanted to build a B.II (only choice is the Airfix 1/72) which I have, but more of a 1/32 builder, 1/48 at a push. Chances of a !/32 conversion probably nil, using some Beaufighter engines and cowls maybe a start but the nacelles are different. Maybe one day take a go at it, but need to afford a 1/32 Lancaster first. Andy
  14. My understanding was the B.I Lancaster had Rolls Royce engines and the B.III had Packard built Merlins, in the next few years engines got mixed around, add ons like Different propellers and Bomb aimers blisters changed and were mixed and matched on both B.I and B.IIIs which makes it very differcult to identify just by looking at a picture. I thought the B.X was designed for the Tropics but never ended up in that theatre, Canadians of course did their own thing a threw in a Martin upper turret. .50cals and ammunition are a lot heavier in the long run, they only used .50cals in the Rose? rear turret on a Lanc, I do believe most gunner kills were from the rear turret? My grandfather did 40 missions mainly in B.II which he much preferred over the Merlin versions. Andy
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