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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. Parts is parts.... AML S-199 Sakeen conversion Flaps to go with the rest of my SB2C stuff Werners Wings Blackhawk dekkals and Berna decals for my Mirage 2000. Oddly enough the Berna decals instructions cover every bird except the one I bought the sheet for so I've included a pic of the tail art in case anyone can lead me to pics of the real aircraft
  2. Better pic, got to finish dusting!
  3. Thin paint, low air pressure, and something to rest your hand on.
  4. What's so funny?
  5. He threw a tantrum because I posted a pic if some sushi and a fish. We always have threads like this where everyone participates.
  6. Well there has been another thread for months labeled my other hobby that everyone posted in so......wow, really? Give me a break.
  7. Yes, it is a bluefin tuna, around 70lbs!
  8. Mine, along with photography.
  9. Ya, I was just curious. Thanks!
  10. ...forgive my ignorance if your side of the hobby, but did you know this exists. If so does it work? https://www.micromark.com/Trumpeter-Track-Maker-Assembly-Jig-for-Tank-Track-Links
  11. Harv, you should have Herr Clunkmeister send you some of his magic elixir.
  12. Order a snap tite kit! I'll keep you in my prayers, Harv.
  13. I'll be in New York at the end of October. West Point to be exact.
  14. Awesome! I was wondering if anyone else liked real airplanes. 🤣 I'm going to the Reno Air Races in two weeks!
  15. It's a long modeling weekend here in the US! What's everyone up too?
  16. Yup found the house he grew up in until he went of to WWII at 16. Also found my grandfather's gravesite, who passed away long before I was born.
  17. After the show in Omaha last time I rented a car and drove across Nebraska to North Platte where my father was born, and really enjoyed it!
  18. Moving right along! Man do I love seemless intakes. Nice work on the sides.
  19. I believe July 20-23
  20. I plan to go , but things seem to be constantly changing so you never know. I will have to fly so it will be one build for me, and certainly not a jet. Hopefully things will be opened up a bit more so there will be more vendors than I heard were there this year.
  21. I'm a huge fan of boring gray jets🙃
  22. I am vehemently opposed to doing one to same as everone else.
  23. This is the best tool for a Hornet build. These books from Jake Melampy are amazing! https://www.reidairpublishing.com/books/the-modern-hornet-guide-the-boeing-fa-18abcd-exposed
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