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Mark 'ozzy' Ostler

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Everything posted by Mark 'ozzy' Ostler

  1. Nice colourful machine, what colour paints did you use for the top camoflage surfaces? Thanks for sharing Oz
  2. Hi doc, I've been watching your project slowly roll off the bench and I have to admit that these ZM kits really do tax a lot of mojo out of you during the construction phase but hang in there ( I did with my 219 Owl ). I found some things superb like cockpit detail, other things ordinary like the the main wheel struts very nerve wrecking. But what pissed me the most was the PE. I wasted hours & hours building up superb looking etch panels to find most of it didn't fit especially the engine access panels on top of the wing. So I hope your effort with the flaps works out for you. Keep up the good work and I hope eventually everything fits nicely. Cheers Oz
  3. Hi Doc, I always watch your work, and I'm glad your building a good subject choice! Ive been a 'Wulf' addict all my life, I like watching your builds for inspiration. So I'll watch your technique painting this beast as we all know how tricky german camoflage is to apply. Having one in the stash myself, I'm still praying to model gods for the likes of Tamiya to BUILD a decent FW-190- 'A-5 - A9' and more IPORTANTLY a 'D-9 - D13' before my time is up. Not to mention a P-47 D Razorback Thunderbolt with some decent rocket tubes, but that's another thing! Keep up the good work, again, I'm glad your building this kite! Cheers Oz
  4. Hi Rob, what are you building at present?   Oz

    1. DocRob


      Hi Oz,

      not much benching time due to other things that keep my mind occupied.
      Actually my last build was a wooden shelf for a round little room in our house :-)
      It is a present for my wive.

      Cheers Rob

  5. Hi Mac , nice subject choice, I've one in the stash as well, so I'm interested in watching you start yours. Might mount mine on a stand wheels up in flight, we'll see when it makes it to the bench. These days I draw straws about which kit emerges from the stash as a build, after my P40 warhawk is finished (soon) it will be time to re-draw. cheers Oz
  6. Hi Rob, no WIP on this one, might post a photo later, will start on rivets tomorrow before I pre shade panel lines. Photo bucket a pain in butt but will sort something. I've finally landed a D-9 wulf from Hasegawa, just waiting for resin parts to turn up, so the P40 is on the workbench currently. I like this kit, the undercarriage looks great, primed wheels etc and ready to go. I like the decals that you've got for yours, the skull looks really mean and the white spinner looks the part too! Is that what your building? Cheers Oz
  7. This is supposed to go to doc Rob, sorry Danny if it's ended up in your email! Cheers. Oz
  8. Hi doc, got mine built up to external paint, can u enlighten me with some reference material to help me with the rivet process that I want to achieve. I'm doing version 'C' as I've always wanted to do an earlier version of the warhawk. I'll be watching your WIP . Cheers oz
  9. Hi doc, I got one too, just finished the build, external paint to follow. I'm building the version on paint scheme 'C', I've always wanted to build this version. Got any plans for the riveting? I need a reference, any advice appreciated? Cheers Oz
  10. Hi frank, nice subject choice. I'm glad to see that your tackling the pop rivet issue, I've got a 'Dottie' as well, and I was wondering about how to rivet the beast. I've got a trumpeter P47 that won't make it to the hall of fame, but left in the box as a kit o shame, but at least it's a visual reference to rivet. What is the reference that your looking at? I can't ever find these things on the web, can you enlighten me please? Keep up the good work! Cheers. Oz
  11. I will certainly keep an eye on this, the stern of the sub looks awesome! Thanks for renewing my enthusiasm..cheers Oz
  12. Nice subject choice, will watch this one progress. Looking cool so far! Cheers Oz
  13. I think I paid $65-75 for the 109G and $85 for the wulf, that's why I'm hurting. The 190 is the better kit, especially the instructions!
  14. Both kits are crap, I think u got ripped off paying 9$ each
  15. I always use tamiya enamel, never fails, easy to get the right consistency, only found one problem, the paint will turn to poop if you mix general purpose with enamel thinners, the paint goes really thick and generally turns out kaput, strait in the trash it goes. You've put me onto another good thing, these make tar masks, I want to try them as montex leaves a glue on the clear pieces that near impossible to remove and makes your canopies look fugly. Keep up the good work mate! Cheers. Oz
  16. Hi Doc, watching your beast with interest, good to see something different being built. I think I might buy a bottle of mr masking fluid or whatever it's called. Vallejo just doesn't cut it for me, it's too 'runny' for my liking. I've just purchased Hasegawa's 1/32 Mitsubishi A6M5c and a Messerschmitt Bf 109 F, and both of these things being paint chipped to the shithouse and back, I'm glad your showing this stuff in your build. Jap aircraft suffered in the tropics, as did the Aircraft in the Mediterranean/ African theatre. So if this product is as good as say 'their' primer, I will be a happy hound... PS .what's going to be your next build?? I've got the choice of the above mentioned, plus a ZM Ta152 , P47 Dottie Mae, plus a few nearly finished. I'm going to use HGW's super rivet set on the 109F just to see if it's worth buying a set for the zero. Anyhow, keep up the good work bloke, cheers Oz
  17. I'm liking this beast. Something about that big radial 'donk' makes it look brutal. Makes the aircraft attached behind it look diminutive. Gunna keep an eye on this puppy! Oz
  18. Hi doc, when are you going to start on your "owl"? Cheers Oz

    1. DocRob


      Hi Ozzy, everytime I see the box in the stash I open it, look for the parts and the AM and think about that same question. But there are so many other great kits in my shelves and on the bench.... I have to finish my contribution to the Resin Group Build (Red Star 47) and the started BF-109 and it is not only planes I'm interested in, so there might be a tank or some Sci-Fi stuff in between. Many words for an 'I don't know', eh :).

      Hope to let you not too unsatisfied with that.

      Cheers Rob

  19. Hi splif, may I ask you how much these WnW kits are? I am thinking about purchasing a couple soon. Cheers Oz
  20. Thanks rob, be glad to help in any way. This thing makes p47 look like 1/48 scale. My first tip would be buy a circular table with a rotating top, very hard beast to manipulate with flaps down and gun bay doors open. Leave undercarriage / doors antenae's till last. Figure out where your going to put the thing when your finished. I didn't think that far ahead. Cheers Oz
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