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Everything posted by ArnieC

  1. Hehehe, thanks Kees. I will have to do the cleaning myself, but that is no problem. Luckely the cats can't go there so everything stays cleaner from the start. Cheers,
  2. Thanxs George. I have indeed from time to time a meeting with some modelfriends from out of the achterhoek. It was a lot in the lottery to find. Cheers,
  3. Hi guys I have moved house at the beginning of this year. Here are a few pictures of my new Mancave that is now at the end of the garden. It was a old atelier from a artist and before that a dental room. It has a toilet, small kitchen and it's own central heating. O, the two clossets are where my stash is hidden. The totally white one has all the 1/48 scale kits and the other all the other scales including lots of 1/24 and 1/32 scale kits. Cheers, Arnold
  4. There are also some models from 21st century. They are easy to make and look great ones done. And they are also in the right scale (1/32) And the advantage of a lorger scale is that everything is easier to paint and build.I believe/think you can get them at Wal-mart in the USA? Take a look here for some impressions. http://www.hyperscale.com/2007/reviews/kits/21cent22104reviewbg_1.htm http://www.hyperscale.com/2007/reviews/kits/21cent22106reviewbg_1.htm http://www.largescaleplanes.com/reviews/review.php?rid=769 http://www.hyperscale.com/2007/reviews/kits/21cent22105reviewbg_1.htm I hope this will help. Cheers, Arnold I have found this site that discuss these kits. http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/questions-kits-decals-tools-pilots/21st-century-toys-models-where-they-11756.html
  5. Nice pictures Erik and thanks a lot!!!! Now I definate want one!!!!!!! Cheers, Arnold
  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was having a great cave. That is awsome!!!!!!!! I think I am having a wet dream!!!!! Cheers, Arnold
  7. That is a nice collection of large scale models.
  8. Jeroen, That is a great looking model. Cheers, Arnold
  9. Common guys, now you have made me drool. Cheers, Arnold
  10. I bought the new 1/32 Bf-109 G early/late from Revell and a older reboxing from the Hasegawa 1/48 Harrier GR7/9 from Revell. Cheers, Arnold
  11. I have just seen this on facebook and it took me by surprise. I have seen a few years ago that Dragon would be comming out with one, but never seen it. Does somebody know When this will be out?! Cheers, Arnold
  12. Hmmm A GB. I still have one with a G6 conversion set. Cheers, Arnold
  13. Thanxs Guys, That is a decal set from Techmod. I think they have two sets for the Ju 88. It was a couple of years ago in our hardcopy IPMS magazine (the Netherlands). Cheers, Arnold
  14. Hi Guys, Here are some pictures of the 1/32 Revell kit of the Junkers Ju-88 A-1. I build this model when it just was out. I builded it for our IPMS Magazine (the Netherlands). This was build almost OOB. I just added some wiring and some seatbelts. The decals were from Techmod. Cheers, Arnold
  15. Nice Job! I like it a lot! Cheers, Arnold
  16. Hi Guys here is a model I have done earlier this year. It's the 1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109 G14 with a conversion set from Cutting edge to convert it into a G10 with "110 type"cowling. The cockpit, tailwheel and main wheels are from MDC. The decals are a mixed match from Sky decals and some from Cutting edge, also the crosses were made with a montex mask set. I builded this for a groups build on Britmodeller earlier this year. Here is the link of the build:http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234928857-132-bf-109-g10-anr-finished-03-2-2013/ I hope you guys like it. Cheers, Arnold.
  17. Thank you. My model room is on the second floor. The Largest Glass cabinet is a IKEA one. It's a standard Billy cabinet with the Glass doors seperate. Because of all the stash in front of it you don't see to much of it. But that is the problem, I see to many bargains. I have indeed 2 cats, but they don't come to often in my modelroom and if you clean it regulary it stays clean. Cheers, Arnold
  18. Ehhhmmmm, To be ohnest that is just the front of the cupboard. If you take away the front layer there is another stash behind that with more goodies. There are about 250 models in that closet. Cheers, Arnold
  19. Hi Rocky, I found this type of lamp on a model show. I don't know from witch company. I bought it in Belgium. It hase got two daylight lamps and a magnifyer in the middle. Cheers, Arnold
  20. Here are a few pictures of my model room and a cupboard with my stash. My model room. Some stash in my model room. Here is my stash Cheers, Arnold
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