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Everything posted by 1to1scale

  1. After the wash debacle, I moved on the final assembly. At this point I Ned to attach the wings and pitot tubes, and do a few touch ups and I’m done.
  2. This project went full cockroach for a minute, after I applied the wash, I wasn’t able to remove it right away, despite every paint and clear being lacquer, the wash stuck like another layer of paint (note to self: clear with gloss, not Dull, you dummy!). Removing this stuff with a water soaked towel only removed about 10%, going more aggressive with acrylic thinner removed another 10%, but was still left with a disaster. It was at this point I was about to throw in the towel. I tried one last ditch effort, I got out some 2500 grit sanding sponges and started Wet sanding Away the clay wash. Thankfully, I had applied about 4 layers of dull coat underneath, so I had a small buffer, and even though it took me several hours, I may have stumbled on a new technique. I actually am very pleased with the result. Before
  3. The decals aside, I have started weathering, I have done enamels, oils, and now a wash. I am glad I went extra light on the paint, because the wash is darkening it up to where it should be. I actually did plan this, but was a little nervous that it might end up too dark.
  4. Yes, didn’t go so well. I ended up spraying multiple layers of clear, sanding, then another coat of clear. Still visible if you look really close. the solution caused the slits to curl and chip. So at this point I am leaving them, and going to hide this n weathering. Maybe a little black paint touch up, I already had to do this on the large sword, I am now convinced that these issue are due to the age of 25-30+ yo decals.
  5. The A-7 is very special to me because My Aunt, which my family visited on a weekly basis lived very close to the end of Selfridge AFB runway. I always used to see F-4 phantoms, the A-7s, and finally F-16s, landing and taking off when I visited, these imprinted on me early on and grew my passion for aviation.
  6. I was definitely thinking about Lufthansa Airway plane.
  7. Superb!
  8. Well, this was not what I expected! I thought it would be a British phantom...
  9. I bought a set of Laing stencils, here is how they did.
  10. Although it does not look like it in the pics, these decals are giving me silvering. I have gone through 4 stages of softening solution, MicroSol, Mr.Mark Softer, Solvaset, and finally tried lacquer thinner. They did NOT like the last, luckily I tried on one and used very sparingly, still wrinkled and stayed like that. I still have yet to try X20A, so I might test that later, however, I may just have to put a nail in that coffin and let them be.
  11. I try to strictly stick to 1/32, however, when it’s a kit I really, really, want...I will buy an alternate scale. I’m ashamed to say hat I bought two F-22 Raptors today on eBay. And I ordered a Mig-25 a few weeks ago. I am not going to switch, but when I really want something, there are not much in alternative, I will go another scale. However, when I build an A-7, it’s going to be this one in 1/32...
  12. Decaling done, these decals were incredibly thin, so thin, if I farted, a corner flipped over. No the best decals I ever used. They may be silvering, I have not passed judgement yet as they have not dried fully yet. I used Mr Mark Setter, however, it was too strong and some were wrinkling as I was putting them on, after a few, I went back to plain water. After they dried a little, I brushed on some more. Finally, after a few hours, I brushed on some MicroSol hoping it would bring them around. If they have don’t look perfect in the morning, I need to decide if I need to rip them off, or if I spray a little lacquer thinner on them. It’s a tough decision, because if it does not work, then it’s sandpaper. Fingers crossed.
  13. Have I mentioned how absolutely fantastic MRP paint is? I have fallen in love with this stuff, consistent, easy to use, ready to go, and dries fast and hard. Love it!
  14. Working on painting details in all the access panels, I actually got farther today, but forgot to take pictures. Going to start weathering tomorrow.
  15. Things are slow EVERYWHERE! Just be understanding. I made two orders from BNA two days apart, one order arrived in less than three weeks from Australia to US, the other smaller package took 16 weeks! The postal system worldwide is in disarray, I am experiencing significantly longer shipping times from all over the world, so we all have to be understanding of this. Also, be aware that there are communication difficulties in translation and volume. What is socially normal in one culture is vastly different in another, and throw translation issues in, some wrong assumptions can be made. Please, just take a minute to put yourself in the others persons shoes and give everyone a little extra time.
  16. Here were a few of his other aircraft, flew P-36, P-40, P-38, P-47, and P-51.
  17. Oh yes, this pig got similar treatment, but I need to do a little touch up on this one.
  18. This is what I ended up with, next is decals, a clear, oils, and then a pin wash, lastly, oil, dirt, and soot staining.
  19. All of this is a first for me, I wanted to do salt staining, fading, and corrosion control. Watching a few different people on YouTube, decided on mixing a few techniques. First step was after I got the MRP Light Ghost Grey on, I tested the monitor masking fluid on the bottom of another aircraft in the same color to make sure it did not etch or stain the paint. After a day, I rubbed it off and all was good, so I set about marking all the common corrosion control areas I could see from photos. Next step was to mix up a lighter shade of LGG, and spray it through a splatter mask. Before I finished, I sprayed a light mist of the color over all the surfaces. I then started peeling back the mask to get the final effect
  20. Yup, same pilot, Col. James Beckwith, also flew a P-38 for a short time. Sort of a funny/sad story, Col Beckwith was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked, all his units planes were destroyed on the ground and many of his men were killed. He commanded that unit at Pearl Harbor for a few years, towards the end of the war, they put him and his men on a ship and sent them to the Philippines, by the time he got there, the army determined there were no more enemy aircraft to fight, and then put them back on a return ship to Pearl Harbor. Later they got orders to go to Iwo Jima, but due to the fact they could not land their planes on the island for a few weeks, they were kept back. By the time they could land there, there were no more enemy aircraft, but were relegated to dropping bombs. Finally they were tasked with long range bomber escort to Japan, on his first mission, he had a problem with his mustang and turned back, while his unit went on with the bombers and racked up dozens of kills, a few guys became aces in a day. His second mission, not a single fighter showed up to meet the Mustangs. Before his next mission, Col. Beckwith was sent back to the states because he fulfilled his mission quota, shortly afterward the war ended. Col. Beckwith flew the four hottest fighters of WW2 and never tangled with a single enemy aircraft.
  21. They seemed to Have improved them as the transfer film comes off much easier than the previous set I used on the Corsair.
  22. HGW transfers test was successful, I did a test using worst case scenario. 1. AK metals paint, no primer. 2. MicroSol softening solution 3. Quickly yanking off the film. Good news is that none of the AK Xtreme came off, and the transfers adhered with no issues. On to doing the full plane now.
  23. I feel you pain, lost my love to the layoff last fall. Unfortunately, due to a lease i could not break, I had to keep the mom-mobile instead.
  24. As of yesterday, my town and county are the hottest of the TN hotspots. Yay! Back to the quarantine!
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