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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. Helloooooo Scott Good to see you too. Well this is SO NICE.... MY Mind was expecting it to happen from the day the new moderator came and Ian(from Cotswold UK, stepped down) I asked LSP Matt the Administrator to close MY lsp account and he said "okay well ... I won't burden you any further. if that is what you want I will respect your wishes ". and wished ME well and a happy new year.. ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Hello Hubert, OMG ,, you're HERE.. I wondered where the Heck you'd gotten to.. Maybe won the Lottery or something when I never say you on LSP I missed a bunch of you guys and you are all here Good to see you Hubert
  3. Thank you . Nice words from you. I look forward to being here. ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Hey Harvey It was SO good to rant over the phone to you.. No really it was lovely catching up with you.
  5. Ah so you are here.. wondered where you'd swanned off to..! Thank you. it is Nicer here. always has been . ๐Ÿฅด
  6. Thank you Bill. ๐Ÿ‘
  7. Helli Dennis.. It does...he's had it in for ME for almost from the start when he became a moderator.. Good see you My dear friend. . Hope all is well with you Dennis. Thank you
  8. Well Once you are BANNED you cannot look at ANYTHING but I have an idea as the English moderator took offence by saying I was hateful towards another person BUT HERE'S the thing... no names were mentioned and I merely stated something that I found peculiar (not by the way the 2 people were dressed, Oh No(but I noticed what they were wearing..Cops do !!) but when they spoke which is when I thought oh okay .) so I although I have told Harvey and Ernie over the phone the moderator called ME hateful, , and that I was breaking their rules and ALSO that by asking modellers how they were getting along in group builds(which I always try and support unlike the moderator in question, or ask how goes it... The man from England said that I was HARRASSING modellers and THAT IS WHY THEY DID NOT UPDATE THEIR BUILDS OR POST ANYTHING... REALLY !! MOST probably they didn't post because they had too much going on .. anyway according to him(and of course in his PM to ME he went our of his way to LOOK AT GROUP BUILDS I had followed and inserted those likes in the PM accusing ME if harrased the members... yet NO more wrote to ME to say Back off, you are harrass8ng us !! I was following Gazzas build over there and turning Japanese and he quote Turning Japanese thread saying I was harrassing !! he then also has a go at MY own thread of Oath Of Allegiance that I said I was proud to have taken father Oath for HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II to Serve Her and country .. the moderator picked on that saying "you obviously have not kept to the OATH If I am HARRASSING, being hateful and not addressing the issues he pointed out.. (I wonder how many times he did something in line of duty where Ihe got stabbed or hit head on By a driver who had stolen a vehicle which I was attempting to stop, or shot at several times and had to take cover in a prickly holly Bush till the police helicopter came to MY rescue) I DID !!.) But he has been the ONLY one the moderators who has constantly picked on ME... I think he i has a Napoleon syndrome!!. So as someone said, if you are not in their clique set of buddies or if you are nice and helpful and mindful , he will get you!!
  9. Gentlemen, Thank you for a very nice, warm and supportive welcome.... I will endeavour to come on here more often but at the moment I am recuperating from surgery I had just before Christmas. I did not think I could upset anyone but guys there was always going to be one... no matter. it feels good to be here away from stress and same old threads over on LSP. anyway thank you a lot. MARU5137
  10. Thanks Smitty.
  11. So I am not really new as I have been a LSM member from I think, September 2017.. I haven't posted much on any of the forums of late , that includes this one, LSP, BM and ARC. I just look, read and go away. Anyway it will come as a surprise to you Harvey, Cupcake or Smitty that I have been BANNED over on LSP.. MY Crime... none I can think of but being constantly berated and told I was hateful and harrasing modellers (the moderator was truly wanting ME GONE ME THINKETH)in MY opinion picked on by one moderator, I asked the Administrator to close MY account! They don't " close" it.. they BAN you.. At least I don't have to feel scared that everytime I posted over on LSP I was going to feel more scared!! so here I am to tell you this.. Thank you. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EACH & EVERYONE ... MARU5137
  12. DRUMSO1.. STUNNING build so far. : And Gentlemen FANTASTIC and Gorgeous builds from you all too.
  13. Look forward to this Kriss.
  14. EXCEPTIONAL work on the model and the figure. ๐Ÿ‘
  15. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10159577644351271&id=65102591270&set=a.80699376270&source=49&refid=13&__tn__=%2B%3D priced at ยฃ94.99 Swipe to left....
  16. its 1:24 Scale.
  17. https://uk.airfix.com/products/supermarine-spitfire-mkixc-a17001?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=New+Super+Kit&utm_campaign=Airfix-+New+Kit+-+week+41+21%2F22&modal=-zoom
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year Jerry.. Harvey,..smitty...Martin.... Gus...Bomber _County and Cupcake too. Gentlemen have a super fantastic time and a very peaceful one with Goodwill towards others. Have a blast. From MARU 5137( gallivanting in hot deserts of Arabia). ๐Ÿฅฐ
  19. https://m.facebook.com/Border-Model-339312286698433/photos/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=0 Scroll halfway down to see the detailed photographs. https://www.emodels.co.uk/border-models-1-32-avro-lancaster-b-mark-i-iii-ex-wingnut-wings-010.html Border Models -1/32 scale Lancaster, the eagerly anticipated kit of this icon https://www.albionhobbies.com/product-ranges/border-models/ Expensive but looks AMAZING.
  20. ENJOY.... ....Super duper...
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  21. I love it there.... Been to Sicily before and had climbed Mount Etna with guides. Then as night fell and returned to the vehicle, Morher Etna erupted and roared as if to say Get Off Me. Hubert Thank you. ๐Ÿ‘
  22. THINKING of food as ever cupcake !!
  23. Hello Cupcake, Harvey,Bill,Gus , Gazza,Paul, Carl I have had an exceptionally SUPERB Birthday. So I copied MY Birthday Shenanigans from answering over on LSP. Tom, Greg ,Vaughan,Rick Matt, Tim Neo, Daywalker,Brian, Thank you ALL very much for MY Birthday wishes. So for the past 3 months I have been to Scotland's Highlands and hiked, walked, climbed and taken in the Fresh air. For the past few weeks MY Friend and I have travelled to Lake Como, Italy ;and stayed in9 some snazzy places(villas) and toured, and gazed upon beautiful scenery: and taken in other lesser know places around there! Also stayed and enjoyed Firenze et al.... So now WE are enjoying the peaceful and quietude of the Tuscany region. For MY birthday, I was treated to 3 different Helicopter rides over Tuscany, Firenze and to another place (forgotten the name ). The helicopter rides were also complimented with Swanky , fancy-pants cars.... You can hire swish looking cars once you get to your destination *ready waiting for you*and that is what MY friends did for ME.... I got to drive a FERRARI PORTOFINO...(V8 ENGINE 600 Horsepower I think). At another destination Arrival I drove a Ferrari 488 Spyder. two other cars at other locations were just as swanky... An Aston Martin DB11 and Audi R8 Spider.( felt like Well ... ) The drives have been exhilarating and something I will always treasure. MY generous friend/s have given ME a Birthday and a holiday that I could never repay back(although I will try ). So another trip, towards Mount Etna via car after arriving in Sicily is on the menu... I look forward to see Mount Etna and climbing the safe side again... GENTLEMEN YOUR BIRTHDAY GREETINGS MEAN A LOT TOO ... to havd such fellows as friends as you all gladdens MY heart . I appreciate your kindness and lovely words*which I am sure I don't deserve*. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. The Last part is ALSO SAME FOR YOU GENTLEMEN ON HERE. I appreciate your kindness and thinking of ME on MY Birthday MARU 5137.
  24. Hugs And Sissies right back atcha Smitty and Martin. Will speak to you both at some point. Thank you for you wishes.
  25. Nothing exciting like you Gentlemen have other hobbies. I collect Gold and silver Coins..thats all and books if I can get rare ones. Got quite a collection Of Coins. ๐Ÿงถ
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