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    Sunny North Florida
  • Interests
    1/32 Aircraft; 1/35 and 1/16th Armor

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  1. Another great build John.
  2. Sorry, Harv, I never get emails when someone replies, I'm sorry, nothing new. Ryan
  3. Hello Maru, there are a nice bunch of folks here. Ryan
  4. Gaz, the blue background shots look like an old Verlinden build. Well done!
  5. John, the build is great but the fact that it looks like all your other builds I think is a better comment. Meaning your quality is consistent and it looks like the same guy built them!
  6. Good show John, you'll need to set up pylons around your desk soon!
  7. And William Shatner.
  8. Yes of course...I believe I still know where a certain 1/48 B-29 is located at on an old property....well at least pieces of it.
  9. What better way to put crappy builds out of their misery, when I was a teenager, did this many times!
  10. I did not witness any of those but I did happen upon a snake that was moving very slooooow. 😄
  11. Got down to 28 here in my part of Florida!
  12. @Martinnfb They will respond and the replacement service was quite fast in my experience.
  13. Here is the email to get the part. joanna@trumpeter-china.com
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