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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. That standing camel looks so insanely realistic that I am going to give her a name. Cleopatra You may wonder: , "How does he know it's a girl?" Trust me, I know.... ( creepy Jack Nicolson voice ) Anyway, amazing work as always Hubert. Clean and effective solutions all the way. Figures looks natural with lively impressions. Cheers Martin
  2. Paul, I believe thatโ€™s a part of some museum exposition. Just a bunch of random , creepy antique objects.
  3. Nice work Doc, very imaginative. Few motivational pictures to go with the theme
  4. Great progress. I've never seen one of these built, such an odd looking thing.
  5. Good catch, I didn't even notice .
  6. Great scheme, truly classic.
  7. I was talking to William the other day about, how true "commando" in its nature is this airplane. In and out from behind the enemy lines. Unannounced, unnoticed and quietly deadly.
  8. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Oh wait, why does it look like a Hawker Tempest..... never mind. That wiring detail in the gear bays looks delicious.
  9. Peter , I am really happy to see your post and grateful for the news. I have been thinking about you a lot. Never mind the models, important is that you guys are moving forward and the necessary care and support is provided. Sending love Martin
  10. Gentlemen, Can we stick with the English as a default language please? Theres no need to poke at each other over the language barrier. Thank you. Martin
  11. Well done. I like projects like this. Stepping out of your comfort zone , creating something from nothing. Good stuff. Cheers M.
  12. Doesnโ€™t apply to almost everything?
  13. Fantastic result, thank you for sharing. Cheers Martin
  14. Really like the banged up pain job.
  15. Great problem solving ๐Ÿ‘
  16. Great update. Bummer with that water pipe, but better now than later. Why did they installed the carpets before finishing the walls first?
  17. Lovely model, I like the subtle weathering. Bravo! Cheers M.
  18. Totally , there's no point to sweat over Trumpeter's 23, I've tried twice and failed miserably. I am weak
  19. John, I would suggest to use Tamiya's two part resin putty, it is a great material to sculp with. That knuckle is basically just a blob that should be fairly easy to form.
  20. Nice finish, me likey! cheers Martin
  21. This is going to be good. ๐Ÿ‘ will follow with interest. Cheers Martin
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