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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. When one nuke is not enough:)
  2. Nice, I love recycling projects like this. Cheers Martin
  3. Oh no, the pit is great. I just had a sensitive and awakening encounter this morning. While shopping at the local wrecking yard, I met a young woman working at the office. She noticed my accent and revealed that she's from Ukraine. I told her that she's safe now and she said that she misses her home, with nowhere to return. There was so much loss and pain in her eyes, that the only thing I could manage to say at the end of our brief chat was " I am truly heartbroken " There's more to that story, but again. I better shut up now.
  4. You're most welcome guys. There are few misinformations that have a tendency to circulate and re appear. I don't have much time to dig in into this deep enough today, but I can further help (regarding P-40) if needed, just PM.
  5. Totally understand and agree on all counts. I would say more, but feeling would get hurt.
  6. ML? Reskit makes a nice droopy exhaust for it.
  7. I have spent considerable time in the North American construction industry and can really appreciate decent craftsmanship. I like the subtle differences in approach . Crown moldings in the bathroom made me smile. What a journey, thank you for sharing Rog. Cheers Martin
  8. BLUE!!!! The fact that it was faded doesn't mean it wasn't there. Look at this Burma's K, it's faded but its there.
  9. Thank you for sharing Maru, one of those days I have to come back and cause some waves in the channel Cheers Martin
  10. Nothing wrong with tactical nukes. Looking great Doc.,,, In matter of fact I like it so much more then the initial version. Cheers Martin
  11. I see blue circle and the stripe as per Barracuda.
  12. Red pry-bar? Just kidding. Thank you Maru
  13. It does look Quinta-like doesn't ?
  14. I think we shouldn't be using trigger words like "tidy" or "organized"...., let's just call them the T-word and the O-word.
  15. brand spanking new,,, when I took to to the range I've realized that the rear sight was damaged, so I have to repair that and got the ghost ring just for the heck of it. we will see how it goes.
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