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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Exceptional result, especially in 1/48. Bravo! Cheers Martin
  2. You did good Carl, Italeri ?.... not so much
  3. Looking great, me likey ! Cheers Martin
  4. Amazing symphony of movement, Thank you for posting Maru .
  5. Great finish, I like it a lot. Cheers Martin
  6. To build something like this out of a pure idea , is absolutely fascinating process. Entirely mesmerizing experience. And to follow your builds Peter, is always very motivational and joyful journey. Thank you for sharing. Martin
  7. Fantastic progress Carl.
  8. This looks amazing Chris. Great work.
  9. Lovely shots, thank you for sharing Mark.
  10. I love how the difference in lighting/aperture, creates a bunch of different shades in seemingly monotonous colour. Great work, splendid detail, Bravo! Cheers Martin
  11. I would never…….. wait who put this here?
  12. What a great and fitting choice Peter, looking forward to your magic with this one. Cheers Martin
  13. Complexity of this kit can be discouraging, but the engineering itself seems to have had the modeler in mind.
  14. Precisely done.
  15. And so it goes.
  16. Well, time for some ch…ch… ch…changes
  17. Thank you guys. Not much progress. Mostly a little bits, like mud flaps, braces, tanks etc. The broken wheel didn't like its limitations so I had to make a little peg . Something tells me that it won’t be the last one.
  18. Impressive detailing as always.
  19. You guys are waaaay too fast https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/forum/271-the-sandbox-ready-for-inspection/
  20. You lucky bug, you. The fabrication looks really good, any stress/rot or aging material issues?
  21. Pininfarina is milking the hell out of it, yet I can't help myself from seeing the real pedigree ....... Yak-130.
  22. Nicely done John, came out really clean. Cheers Martin
  23. So much better.
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