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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. That’s quite an extreme way of hitting on a hot nurse.
  2. What an epic build Chris. I enjoyed every post of this journey from the very beginning. Thank you for sticking with it and bringing it into such a grand finale. Cheers Martin
  3. Absolutely fantastic result Chris. Your perseverance paid off. Bravo! Cheers Martin
  4. Sweet, little, joyful build for the end of the summer. Love it! Cheers M.
  5. What a neat choice, I always loved Shaguars. One of those plane designs that look equally cool airborne and on the ground. It is the end of August.
  6. That's a great idea Tim. I miss familiar faces, face to face interaction is absolutely priceless. Thank you guys for sharing the photos , the quality of the builds is impressive.
  7. This is going to be epic, Will follow with interest. Cheers Martin
  8. "Records" would make a decent GB as well. It is your forum guys, any and every suggestion has a value. We still have lots of time to brainstorm. One idea crossed my mind, but it is kinda silly. "Your first model, ever."
  9. Hello Kai, welcome back. So much to share, thank you for that. Your work looks amazing as it has always been. Regarding Harvey's absence, here is an appropriate topic. As you might have noticed, there were quite a few changes already implemented in the structure of the website and guys are working on improvements and adaptations as we speak. Looking forward to your work. Cheers Martin
  10. Looks legit, graduation class 819, August 2019 https://www.facebook.com/georgiacorrections/posts/congratulations-to-our-officers-that-graduated-from-the-sergeants-academy-nextst/10157558757043566/
  11. That's exactly what I meant by Tallies. Pretty much anything scoring victories. Wittman, Lauda, Closterman .... list goes on.
  12. Sacrilege!!!! E46, the greatest generation, we shall never forget
  13. Third generation fighter jets ?
  14. Google "opel blitz on autobahn"
  15. Looking great. Some motivational pictures.
  16. I understand your concerns guys, but we have to respect John's social circles. He set the boundaries in his preferable way that includes and excludes certain ways of access.
  17. Racers have also lots of potential. Or whatever of competitive nature.What about a TALLIES GB ?
  18. Sorry guys , I was out for a few days. Great idea to brainstorm. I love your ideas Peter. What about SANDBOX G.B. ? Anything desert/sand/tropical related. So many options.
  19. Incredible piece of engineering , thank you Fran. Cheers M.
  20. That closeup shot looks like the real deal. Meticulous Cheers Martin
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