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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Beautiful!
  2. Thats what his wife use to say. Nice progress.
  3. Great choice Scott, two of those just flew overhead. Probably the whole RCAF flyable fleet.
  4. No need to, they’re already locked up , stripped naked, numbered, patiently awaiting their inevitable faith. … too much?
  5. Nice choice John, such classic camouflage. Beautifully outlines the sleek shapes of the F model. Will follow with interest. Cheers Martin
  6. Just saying https://imodeler.com/2015/04/zu-fus-a-hs129-retreating-in-the-desert-in-1942-on-foot/
  7. I am purging twice a year, models and parts alike. No mercy.
  8. That is so amazing Paul, pups and the gliders are something to be proud of. Thank you so much for sharing, it feels like a dream come true. Cheers Martin
  9. Exceptional and ambitious project indeed. Cheers Martin
  10. This build brought back an old childhood memories of watching the tv show "LeTemps des as" . I was so little and my Mom was translating. So random.
  11. Great finish Kevin.
  12. Sweet ! I was trying to gather some pictures, but failed miserably
  13. Exactly, green camouplage as a base and literally mopped desert tan. 🧹
  14. Excellent choice , great canvas for weathering too. Cheers Martin
  15. Very cool subject choice, would not expect any different from you Hubert. Will follow with interest. Cheers Martin Motivational click for your convenience
  16. Excellent choice!
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