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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Thank you for posting Maru.
  2. It will buff off. Beautiful cars , thanks for sharing Carl,
  3. super excited about this, will follow with interest Cheers Martin
  4. That's actually a brilliant idea, it will also look more realistic.
  5. Catching up with this beauty. Nice work so far, if I can make a note. The steering wheel arms in neutral position should aim down. Like this
  6. Ok, should we call it till the end of the summer. Let's say August 31 ?
  7. OK, gentleman, the group build is officially over, however , a few of you are still working on your projects. Should we go for a little extension? What do you guys think? Cheers Martin
  8. Guys let’s just keep direct politics out of this.
  9. Thank you Jeff, let me take you out for coffee next week.
  10. I have to admit that I have completely missed out on this one. What a beauty, looking really sharp John. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Martin
  11. As always a Masterful work Peter, I would not expect any less. Can't wait for the next update. Cheers Martin
  12. Thank you guys, happy to be here. You support means a lot. @PanzerWomble I see that Jeff is already there
  13. Thank you so much Maru
  14. Nice, looks like a clean CE, I wonder about the suspension .
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