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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Thank Harvey, I've just tried vinegar and dish soap and this place sticks even worse LOL
  2. Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to go for walk. All of sudden I saw the spark in her eyes, saying "look,look, a big fuzzy squirrel! Let's play" She got two quick bursts right into the head....... silly dog.... Needless to say that our house is drenched in unpleasant odour despite my efforts to shower the heck out of her. I check out the on-line recipes , yet don't want to turn this place to Area 51 or something either. Have you guys ever dealt with similar issue, if so, what worked for you?
  3. Incredible photography, thank you for sharing Ernie.
  4. The seats look ultra real and the padding material it is just a brilliant solution.
  5. Just catching up with your build Kent, very innovative approach, I like it a lot. Needless to say that your skill set is out of ordinary. Cheers Martin
  6. On the other hand
  7. many unless you riding on this
  8. Seeing this , I am actually thinking about old Monogram kit,,,,,,,,must resist
  9. I would totally focus on Mitchell .....
  10. Any advise?
  11. Oh right LOL, message answered, The fuel tanks won't be a problem.
  12. That picture made K-36 famous.
  13. and 32nd scale
  14. A decent Fulcrum or any Mig in that matter
  15. Yes it does fit to Iwata fitting and the shipping was relatively fast (2 weeks).
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