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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. with Jeep?
  2. Tupolev stated that B-29 design was carrying major flaws and proposed his own project, however Stalin was pushing for the exact copy that bombed Japan. Long story short, Tu-95 is still operational.
  3. Since it would come most likely from China, what if they used for research Chinese Tu-4....... with AWACS
  4. moral boost and positive attitude reinforcement took priority
  5. In case of failing, there is always a plan B
  6. As always , Clean , precise and realistically rendered detail. Phenomenal work William.
  7. I like my new Meng T-90's
  8. Bravo Kevin ! Truly outstanding performance !
  9. Not much "Russian" on those planes. Many of them were licence build C-11s , and to find original engine is not possible.
  10. Wouldn't be easier to just request termination of your account, instead of causing waves ? I don't know the whole story Harvy, but why the need to generate unnecessary drama.?/... which is exactly the reason why I left.
  11. Already ordered
  12. bloody gorgeous
  13. Even Smithy likes it in it's own way
  14. So pretty !!!
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