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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Thanks for the kind words(and pictures) guys. Here is a little drawing distinguishing the difference between above mentioned turret types.
  2. The barrel is made of 10 pieces, It;s mengling with my brain. Time to open the instruction booklet ....
  3. Anti-radiation sheeting is on. Rendered beautifully, textured, just like the real deal.
  4. Whisky frisky, Hiply hop, Up he goes To the tree top! Whirly, twirly, Round and round, Down he scampers To the ground. Furly, curly, What a tail, Tall as a feather, Broad as a sail. Where's his supper? In the shell. Snappy, cracky, Out it fell. This is the look I am after. On the reference pictures above are examples of welded turret. We will focus on the colour and wear and tear.
  5. It's so very different from what you see in promotional videos from Boeing or GE etc.
  6. I have two 88s if needed Carl.
  7. bla, bla ,bla............squirrel
  8. It was an E-bay accident, the seller already contacted me with promise that he will punish the employee who made this mistake. has implemented corrective measures already.
  9. I am not building models in order to finish them. My joy is in the research and the rest of you can capitalize on that detail.
  10. Recently I purchased the Meng's Terminator and TigerModel T-90MS and look what arrived ( instead ) yesterday. World peace has been compromised
  11. I just ordered T-72B3
  12. AAAh, too funny
  13. He's good. http://www.chrisdixonreports.com/margaritaville/oshkosh/folioentry7.html
  14. Nice looking Phantom, is it Revell or Tamiya? Cheers M.
  15. Awesomejuice! I like the helmets, nice touch. Cheers M.
  16. Wow, that looks fantastic, trumpeter I presume? Cheers Martin
  17. So happy to see you around Hubert , welcome!
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