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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. My precious !!!
  2. I see well aimed maternal slap , then ambulance etc.
  3. Hypoxia ?
  4. Thank You for the suggestions guys, appreciate that. Basically it comes down to available documentation and research itself. I will keep you posted. PS: Did you know that B-24 will go for 150 Euros and should be hitting EU market in December.
  5. Thanks Maxim, i have already got use t the smell. It's all good now.
  6. I would rather see the original C-11
  7. hmmm
  8. Clean and precise work on the exhaust! Nice addition to the pit as well, I like it a lot. Cheers Martin
  9. I am so very glad to see you here Karim. We missed you in Phoenix .
  10. Welcome Guys!
  11. Mike's FockeWulfs = satisfaction guaranteed , top notch work Sir! Cheers Martin
  12. Will look good at the local airshows.
  13. Wow, nice ! supreme product for sure
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