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Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. I wish someone will make a 1/35 Ka-52 some day
  2. Ka-52 The decal sheet you can use Begemot 1/48 decal for Kamov Ka-50/ 52 Hokum family - 48-018
  3. Harv Have you thought of boxing in the cockpit? It would add strength and sound proofing from the engines!!! On the conversion note. I wish ZM would of done it in a injection molding Two seat boxing like DML / Dragon did.
  4. I received this today this the other day after a twelve year wait
  5. is that for your Horton?
  6. The Nick looks real nice doesn't it!!!! So you are receiving a replacement nose for your Ho-229 V7 Two seatter?
  7. Harvey Did you order the Ki-45 Nick?
  8. You got to remember Harvey's from California he knows what real tacos are like!!!! Harvey how is the Mexican food there? When it comes to the whiskey I thought you would have a still in the garage
  9. Happy Birthday Maru Sorry I was not able to meet you in Phoenix. Just could not make it Danny
  10. This is not the same truck is it? http://www.anc-creation.com/en/content.php?id=336&brand=1&series=14&topcat=1 Try REAL MODEL CZ http://www.realmodel.cz/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=35&Itemid=79/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=11&Itemid=79
  11. Funny I have a 2006 F4I version
  12. May want to block out your Address Cupcake
  13. You trouble maker!!!! LOL
  14. How about a B-24J Night Mission for the Hobby Boss kit All the Engines and turrets had names too.
  15. John You build a lot of great Models. I just dream it and gather references LOL
  16. Yes its down below. But you wanted clean lines I take it. If you left the starboard side door you could see it. FYI its on the right just forward of the Door
  17. I thought Harold made the Radar Pod? On a more important note. Great looking TBM John. Did you also build the Radar Scope?
  18. I really love the Black Widow. But I too put it up due to the Intake photo etch. John I'm glad its back on the bench!!!!
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