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Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. Why did the two Gooses and the Albatross use the carrier deckI need no stinking carrier
  2. Buckeye 82 Mike Also Harold of AMS Resin does the Wing tanks, seats, wheels, and center drop tank I recommend those as well. Highly recommend you get his seats and center tank. contact info is in this thread Let us know what you want as a load out in weapons! eduard does a 4 shot ZUNI pod. Harold (AMS) has some stuff to. https://www.hbhobbies.com/collections/rexx-exhausts/products/rx32048-ov-10a-c-exhausts
  3. Your Squid and rock bottom color are spot on.
  4. Aerocraft models has produced a very nice set that is made out of hardened brass, and are exceptionally robust: https://aerocraftmodels.bigcartel.com/product/ov-10a-c-bronco-brass-undercarriage-set
  5. Coming in 1/48 after twelve years of waiting and a very expensive resin and kit hope to see it in 1/35 soon
  6. As I posted in the Wingnut Wing post. I need a Early Felixstowe F2.a for my new decal sheet! Also For the reason Rob said ( WNW, which opened a door to a complete new modelling universe, quality wise. !!!!!!!!!
  7. I only have eleven Wingnut Wings kits at this time looking for the Early Felxstowe F2. for my new decal sheet. Good luck to the crew at Wingnut Wings!! Thanks. Danny
  8. Did anyone know of this ICM's new 32nd scale Stearman PT-17/N2S-3 Kaydet kit? Not my cup of tea! But It looks real nice. https://www.themodellingnews.com/2020/04/preview-icms-new-32nd-scale-stearman-pt.html Hope this CHEERS UP a few folks!
  9. I love the Mandarin Gobies! They are in the top five for me! One other is the Springer’s and Saudi Arabian | Pseudochromis aldabraensis https://www.orafarm.com/product/neon-dottyback/ Is that a Maroon Clown to?
  10. Rob We have a lot of the same tastes!!! I live north of Los Angles. I used to surf and mountain bike a lot. Also fishing / Free-diving at the Channel Islands still to this day The people of Spain are great. I feel like home there. Of all the places in Europe I have been. That's the place I would like to live, on the coast. Maybe do to that I'm part Basque with Italian and Croat. Used to watch these guys from Spain with Hobie Tandem Island Kayaks sailing on you tube. I need to go back soon! Germans are great to! I was to live near Stuttgart at one time. Have friends there as in England. The greatest party that I went to was in Germany. A Czech guy with a Polish wife stood up and said. A few years back we where all fighting each other. Now we sit here eating together as friends. I like it this way!!!! That is the short version of it, and thirty years ago. But it meant a lot to me as they were older than me and had to be in the war or affected by it. Cheers Danny
  11. New Model in Development. Subject and release date TBA. ? http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/productdetail?productid=3207&cat=5
  12. Are you Spainish? I love your country !!!! I stayed near Pamplona and did the running of the bulls ONCE Grandma got mad!!!!! The Nautilus is looking great.
  13. Here are some sprue shots https://www.themodellingnews.com/2020/04/two-new-big-birds-from-hobbyboss-that.html#more
  14. looking great
  15. looking great Harve
  16. nice purple tang and hammer coral
  17. Doesn't Victor models make a R-2800 that will work for the A-26?
  18. port ( left ) side is the red sofa. The green is the starboard { Right } side. It's just some fun i did!!!!!
  19. I also did the bow head light! But left the battery inside the sub hope that may give you some more ideas for lighting!!
  20. how big of a reef tank does she have? That is a pricey hobby to
  21. Great work!!!!!! I also have this kit on the desk with the light kit. Photo etch and masks. A lot of Masking stopped me LOL
  22. HGW A-20 Injection kit 1/32 PT Boat Higgins 78" 1/35 Italeri if it comes out
  23. Sorry to here this Graham. hope it will work out for the best
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