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Ivan Ivanovich

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Everything posted by Ivan Ivanovich

  1. Liquid Graphite. And if you don't clean them, you'll get that bronzish look anyway. ^^
  2. There's a huge stinger in it - had to promise my DCA a walk-in shoe cabinet.
  3. Exactly. 1968 428 CJ Fastback. Needs a wee bit of TLC and a new Highland Green paint job, though...
  4. Those Ponies can be dangerously addictive animals... After a few weeks of careful consideration (animal welfare, etc.), I decided to adopt another Pony:
  5. The Soviets had their Apollo-13 moment, too - Salyut 7. Decent entertainment. Definitely worth watching:
  6. Not to be confused with this truly adorable mole-laddie:
  7. I've got two of the SWS F-4S kits in my stash - and I totally love them. Except for replacement burner cans, these kits virtually don't need any aftermarket goodies. "As is" overall detailing is exquisite and leaves very little to be desired. On the other hand, the shape issues between fuselage stations FS370.000 and FS493.000 ("Finger Trim Plate") were in fact a bit of a letdown for me. My Mk.I eyeball told me immediately there was something fishy when I first saw pics of the actual plastic. So I was more than happy when Hypersonic came up with their correction set and ordered two sets accordingly. Ignorance is a bliss. Too true. But when it comes to one of my favourite subjects (and the more familiar I am with a particular subject), my Mk.I eyeball tends to play tricks on me and takes over control. Once spotted, it's almost impossible for me to "unsee" such inconsistencies. It sticks out like a sore MOLE.
  8. "A little further" - that's quite an understatement.
  9. Totally forgot the Delfin. Another HpH gem. In case I'd like to get rid of mine some day... Ernie?
  10. HpH has rightfully gained an excellent reputation for high quality kits with great attention to detail, but their MiG-23BN conversion is sorta half-baked by HpH standards. Comparatively small details by their size, but characteristic and unique features of a MiG-23BN. It's like offering a Seafire conversion and deliberately omitting the arresting gear. Mirek stated they might "do another set with such details" in the future.
  11. Ignorance is a bliss... Seriously.
  12. Heilige Schei*e! 400 AUD?! That's hefty...
  13. Excluding anything kitted by Trumpeter and injection-moulded kits in general, I'd recommend HpH's 32nd scale renditions of the MiG-15bis and the Aero L-39. Reasonably accurate kits. LEM Su-17 boxings - not so... LEM Su-7BM/BMK - not too bad... LEM MiG-9 - looks quite nice... LEM MIG-27 - go away!! If you're a real sucker for Soviet Cold War stuff, you'd better resort to 48th scale...
  14. I'm really surprised to see HpH missed another characteristic (and basic) feature of the MiG-23BN: the bulged NLG doors. Pretty atypical for HpH standards. Sloppiness? Haste? Ignorance? Tunnel vision? On the one hand, the HpH MiG-23BN conversion positively comprises a new and fairly accurately reproduced pair of MiG-23BN NLG wheels, but on the other hand it lacks the characteristic bulged MiG-23BN nose landing gear doors. MiG-23BN NLG doors: NLG door wheel bulge (exterior): NLG door wheel bulge (interior): (Just for the record, the baseline Trumpeter MiG-23MF kit comes with the original "smooth" NLG doors)
  15. While we're at it... Welcome, Dale!
  16. Welcome aboard, Gaz! Sorry. I've just run out of Squirrels. So...
  17. The twin-turbo Shelby was a heck of a fun drive both on the street as well as on the race track. But to be honest, it wasn't too hard to let it go. Except for the body and the interior it had very little in common with a "stock" Shelby or Super Snake.
  18. Yes. The 2008 Bullitt plus spares will follow in March/April 2019. Being white-listed by the NZ Transportation Agency as a collector's item, and being built "in annual numbers less than 20.000 units", it can be imported and registered as a left-hand drive car in right-hand drive NZ. A few moths ago, I sold my hypersnakish Shelby back to the U.S.
  19. Mkay. So not yours. Now you got me there... LOL I'm not going to dust my Bullitt until your Capri will be finished and perfectly cured. Haven't been able to spot any squirrel paw prints, so far.
  20. 'twas about time. That's one mean looking Ford Capri. And soooo sqeaky clean... (mine needs some dusting...seriously)
  21. Any love for Fart Squirrels?
  22. I quite like the music DISTURBED have been normally doing, but IMHO the Simon & Furuncle cover is totally atypical. Too "mainstream" if you will. No, I didn't use it as my alarm. But if I did - only once. I HATE being late... Another cover:
  23. I'll be heading to Vancouver on Friday, but I'm afraid I won't have any time to further explore the surroundings. Save for the BC Aviation Museum and the Canadian Museum Of Flight - only if time allows. Seems like you're truly blessed with nature's miracles in BC. Our current biosphere - lovely Bliesgau: (early spring) (summer) (locals - mostly harmless) Our future "habitat" (as from January 2019, Governors Bay/Banks Peninsula, NZ:
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