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Ivan Ivanovich

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Everything posted by Ivan Ivanovich

  1. Used 4'33" as smartphone alarm clock sound. Guess what happened... Re to the OP, definitely one of the most disturbing songs by DISTURBED...
  2. Alright, let's do this... I was just in the neighbourhood, so I took the measurements from a BN on Saturday and drew up stuff in 2D. Next stop: 3D, SLA printing... (Affirmative. I couldn't resist any longer and ordered the HpH set...) (dashed line = wing glove leading edge)
  3. Thanks, Johnny. Photo set-up: Telescopic Manfrotto camera tripod Lighting: 2 telescopic studio lamps with 5400K spiral daylight lamps, adjustable from 35-50cm Background: White paper renovation fleece, 106 cm wide Photo editing: Photoshop CS Fairly inexpensive Somikon studio lamp, paid less than 50 EUR for a set of two: 5400K spiral daylight lamp (150W), 10 EUR per lamp: 32nd scale Revellogawa Bf 106K-4, pics taken with the same set-up:
  4. Those toying with the idea of purchasing the HpH conversion might want to consider to add one of the Aires MiG-23 exhaust nozzle sets to their shopping list as well. The Aires nozzle sets (#2136 and #2146) are great assets to improve overall detailing and to correct one of the most glaring weak spots of the baseline Trumpeter MiG-23MF kit: afterburner duct and afterburner nozzle installation. The HpH conversion comes with an accurately reproduced MiG-23BN fixed nozzle shroud. Once installed, the BN shroud being shorter and wider than the original nozzle petal assembly. you might end up staring into a yawning void lacking pretty much any detail.
  5. Update: Mirek confirmed that the Delta-NM pod will not be included in the set. Those who are going to purchase this set might want to resort to scratchbuilding one.
  6. One of my best speed builds. Finished within a week - 1/32 Special Hobby Heinkel He 100D-1: Back then, I was still building German WW2 stuff. In the meatime, I've mostly dropped out from any WW2-related subjects. Messered a couple of Schmitts, too. (no speed builds, though)
  7. What's not to like about Lavochkins? You did a mighty fine job on your La-7, hands down. Truly inspiring. (I've got one on my bucket list)
  8. "Like duckbills to the slaughter..."
  9. Indeed, it seems strange. Such a slip would be sorta atypical for HpH. There are only three instances where you'd find a BN without the Delta-NM fairing: derelict and incomplete museum exhibits. late Indian AF MiG-23BN (Delta-NM pod generally omitted) if the a/c was equipped with wing glove MBD3-U2T-1/-1M tandem ejector racks. The exception - "9139" with MBD3 racks, Delta-NM fairing removed: The rule - "9139" with Delta-NM fairing: Anyway, I PM'ed Mirek on "LSP/TOS" regarding this matter...
  10. Thanks a bunch! I'd say the Fly Tunnans will be a good start. Numerically. Can't wait to see their J29F being released.
  11. Is it just me or is the Delta-N fairing missing? Couldn't spot it in any of the available photographs... http://shop.hphmodels.cz/cs/chemie-a-doplnky/203-mig-23bn-conversion-set-for-trumpeter-kit.html Despite being a fairly small part, it's one of THE characteristic features making a BN a BN.
  12. But not quite as MuGly as a MiG-23S. LSK/LV MiG-23BN porn:
  13. Although I'm more into Prog-Rock/Hard Rock/Heavy Metal/Prog-Metal/Industrial/Crossover stuff, every then and now, I need a good dose of ABBA. \m/ >_< \m/
  14. Blimey! Seems like I'll be a bit late to the show. Going on a biz trip to Vancouver from 12/10/2018 to 17/10/2018, this would have been THE opportunity for me to attend an IPMS event in Canada. (if I had been able to bring forward my appointments by a week) Enjoy the show (and take pictures)!
  15. Thanks, guys. Much appreciated. Yes, indeed. It's a real shame the Draken hasn't been tackled in 1/32nd so far. Same for the Viggen and a gazillion of other subjects I'm currently failing to recollect...
  16. Gentlemen, Due to the absence of a 32nd scale kit, I had to make do with the Draken in its 48th scale guise. Aires Draken Cockpit Set (#4374) Aires Draken Exhaust Nozzle (#4378) Paints: Gunze AQUEOUS HOBBY COLOR and Alclad II. RB 24J missiles (Hasegawa Weapons Set: C) Thanks for looking. Cheers!
  17. Suicidal rodent. Dead sure. Seems like doggo was issuing a straightforward statement: "Watch out where the doggos go, and don't you eat that yellow snow"
  18. Utterly brilliant! And yes, jaw-droppingly gorgeous build. Hervorpraechtig! Slightly OT... Ju 288, anyone? <sigh>
  19. https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/30-september-1968/
  20. One man's Lanc is another man's Toom. <drool> I need at least four of those F-4K/M kits. Hope they'll be pushing forward the allegedly stalled Spey Phantoms. </drool>
  21. Sweet memories. You know you nailed it when you end up with a piece of Friul or Karaya steel wire sticking right between fingertip and nail... Keep that Tiger coming!
  22. Seems like another Doyusha reboxing of the venerable Nitto kit.
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