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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. There are two types of canopy mods seen on the fire bombers. One is a short version that starts ahead of the ball turret and one as seen on 22 starts farther aft. The picture is from 23 which was the same as 22.
  2. So it begins. First thing was removing the gun sight molded onto the glare shield. In photos of my aircraft there is a blanking plate there instead so I've cleaned up to that point and used some apoxy sculpt to fill the leftover hole. Another notable issue is the kit instrument panel does not match the panel as seen in later photos. So, I ordered some Airscale decals and placards and I'll scratch build a new instrument panel.
  3. Ok, this build will no longer be pushed under any other builds. I'm pausing my Mustang and Pave Hawk until this gets built. I owe it to a few INCREDIBLY generous people, mainly Jeff that this gets built. Check out what the mail lady brought today!!!!!!!
  4. How did I miss this. Beautiful!
  5. Woohoo, I'm a happy camper. Items I was absolutely eyeing!
  6. That's a very smart idea Ernie.
  7. I'm extremely partial to Dassault aircraft. Over half my total flight time is in them and they are simply pure elegance and beauty in my opinion. Marcel Dassault is quoted as saying "For any aircraft to fly right, it must be beautiful". They are and they do. If you ever want to see why Falcons are as amazing as they are, YouTube "Falcon 50 high mach flight". All photos are mine:
  8. Martin, we really missed you around here. I always love the photos you interject into builds! You know this helicopter thing is completely Ernie's fault right...
  9. Cockpit is progressing. I'm going to repaint the floor and detail the center pedestal and then re-weather. I wanted to show off the beautiful details of the cockpit real quick.
  10. I've been eyeing the Hind for awhile. If this goes well I may grab one. I've got some space in my home office that would fit these two.
  11. Jeff is trying to get me in trouble again! So far I've enjoyed the build. I was briefed by the most prolific KH builder out there on how to build a KH kit. He was spot on, treat it as a very nice short run kit. Test fit, test fit, then glue. I've had to spend some time studying the directions and references for how parts align at times, but the fit is overall ok. The detailing is absolutely beautiful. This is my first helicopter and I'm very much enjoying the change of pace.
  12. I cant decide on the Euro scheme or shark mouth.
  13. Squirrel!!!!! I've had the opportunity to to get ahold of a beautiful Kitty Hawk HH-60G and I'm moving it to the top of the build pile. For many reasons I'd like to go ahead and build up this beauty. Unfortunately I'm entering busy season at work, so it'll be a little slow through the spring but that's ok. I sat down at the bench this morning and was VERY pleased with what I found. First, beautiful box art and a very nice instruction manual. A very lovely touch is the clear parts come packed in a separate cardboard box to keep them completely safe. Lovely touch K.H. the molding looks very nice and absolutely minimal flash and ejector pin marks. The detailing on the interior parts is beautiful and the resin figures are the best I've ever seen with any kit. These blow away what Wingnut has included in their special boxing's and plastic figures aren't even in the same zip code. I'll start getting to work on the build over the next few days.
  14. TJTX

    VF-43 A-4

    It's funny, I'm the exact opposite. I prefer the two seater but my dad flew two seat A-4s so that's how I've always seen them and why I have q connection to them.
  15. TJTX

    VF-43 A-4

    Think I'm gonna build an Hh-60. Anyone say "squirrel "
  16. TJTX

    VF-43 A-4

    I'm shopping around for a 1/32 jet. I'm bouncing between the Italeri F-104, Trumpy A-6, and Trumpy F-14
  17. TJTX

    VF-43 A-4

    Accepted my first and only commission build in the spring and finally got it wrapped up. It's for a former coworker who flew with VF-43. This is the plane that had his name on it and it took 3 separate decal sheets to piece together the markings I needed. I forgot how much I absolutely hate working in 1/48. Building for money kinda took the fun out of it, so I dont think I'll be doing it again. Anyway, here she is and now I can get back to the one true scale.
  18. Looking good Dale. Keep it going!
  19. Jeff I grab mine of Ebay. They're great little things. Way better than photo etch and much easier than fabric.
  20. Thanks. This is actually my first try with a full, shiny, Alclad build. I've just read and watched other guys do it so I figured hey, why not? I grabbed a crap kit and tested my technique on that first and carried it over to the Mustang.
  21. Just good old Alclad Jeff. I used a base of Mr. Surfacer 1500 black. Polished that, then sprayed Alclad black primer, polished that, then repeated. Then a nice coat of airframe aluminum.
  22. My Mustang for Nationals is plodding along.
  23. I will buy the C-47 if it comes out plastic in a heart beat. I've wanted that kit so much but I can't reason spending the money on the resin version.
  24. Excellent choice Dale. My P-40 is still one of my most cherished models and I'm looking forward to building another. It goes together relatively well, just keep an eye on the fit of the areas around the exhaust.
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