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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. Can we donate towards the kits to help Bev instead of them being free? Maybe a go fund me style thing where money used for kit purchases helps buy her some nice meals so she doesn't have to cook for a bit.
  2. I know these are 3d printed. Are the resin or some form of plastic?
  3. Any release date time frame mentioned?
  4. Never met him in person but somehow I still knew him. He was one of the people I missed the most when I left they hobby and I regret not being able to say hi one more time. A true honest and kind soul. Happy modeling and fair skies Harv.
  5. TJTX

    Next kit

    Scott, I am absolutely the same. The amount of build ideas I have in my head far exceed my time, money, and skill. Since I've rejoined building, I've tried to accept my current position of finances and time. Just last night o find about 10 kits I almost bought on Ebay because "that would be a cool build". That's why I wanted to see what the collective thought about what's out there and what's coming. I don't want to buy something and regret it when the next awesome kit shows up from Kotare, or Tamiya, HK, Eduard, etc....
  6. TJTX

    Next kit

    Can't decide on the Luft 46 stuff. Maybe I should grab one and have fun with some WIF paint schemes. Sea Hurricane sounds fun too! Kinda hoping Kotare will announce something really cool soon to look forward to.
  7. So, I've sold off a few kits that I bought and realized I wasn't gonna build. Now I'm deciding what to get next. I'm leaning towards waiting for new releases later this year or into 2026. If you could grab anything upcoming what would it be? 1/32 only and I've already got a Kotare 109 and Spitfire coming.
  8. Seems to be working now. Got mine ordered.
  9. Tried to order, says it can't figure out shipping rates to me and try again later. I already preorded the Spitfire so hopefully the fix it soon so I can order.
  10. TJTX


    Finally heading back to flying tomorrow. Two and a half weeks to finally get back to normal. That was the worst I've had in over a decade.
  11. If those prices are real, those are an absolute steal!
  12. TJTX


    The tree disease?
  13. TJTX


    Ended up going in to the doc today. Steroid shot, and antibiotics to try and keep it from progressing into Pneumonia. Feeling abit better but still can't seem to focus at the bench. The Steroid sent me for a loop. Been watching the cold war documentary on Netflix instead. It's really really good.
  14. A tank. Never built one, however it's time to expand my skillet to improve my airplanes. John was kind and sent it on over.
  15. TJTX


    I've never been someone who gets the flu vaccine. Think that is gonna change now. This has been a miserable 5 days so far.
  16. Are you around a real 109?
  17. TJTX


    Sounds kinda like mine. When one symptom goes away, a new one rears up. Just about the time I think I may be turning a corner, bam, back in bed.
  18. TJTX


    Anyone else lucky enough to get this flu that's going around? I've been down and out for 3 days now unfortunately, and I don't normally get more than a 24 hour head cold. Unfortunately, now that I fly for Southwest I'm around lots of people now and seem to get sick more often, that and I have a 4 year old in pre-school bringing home all the germs. It's rough being stuck in bed knowing the model is a few rooms away and not being able to work on it since I'm home.
  19. I preorded the new Spitfire directly from them for $100. I'll do the same with this.
  20. Looks like Kotare just announced a Bf109K-4. If i previously missed it sorry for the double post. Sign me up for one or two, or three....
  21. Beautiful John. I think it's weathering is spot on. Dirty but not absurdly so.
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