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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 13 hours ago, belugawhaleman said:

    I plan to have an optimistic point of view regarding this company. Why not a Lockheed

    Vega? I'd love to see both the wood and aluminum versions of this aircraft in 1/32 scale . By the way

    my last name is Veiga  and it's pronounced the same way. 


    Why not a Lockheed Vega??  Because only 7 people alive in the world today knows what it is, and only two might buy it.  They will be a failure if they sell some subject that isn't known world-round.  Period.   Fw 190A, P51, spitfire, Jug, Zero (doubt it), Bf 109, Hurricane, P40...  or a well known and well wanted WWI subject.  Otherwise they'll be out of bread faster than Ernie can empty his six shooter.


    BTW, Ern...   what's up with the FW 190 C??  It was a test plane only.  Seriously doubt ppl gonna pony up for that and it's huge exhaust pipe.

    • Like 2
  2. Peter,  I served with an active RF-4b squadron for a short time in 1984-85.  The exhaust vanes...or whatever they are called...   are a metallic color with a hint of yellow...   with soot all over them.  The soot dominates.  The soot stains the stabilators, too...   as well as those metallic bits underneath.

    • Like 4
  3. 19 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Can't tell about the right angles Gaz, but on pic #2 it looks as the starboard wheel points a little outwards, but that's maybe only my vision. To mee it looks like G in general and I really like the work you spent with the rocket tubes.

    Cheers Rob

    Thanks Rob.  Yeah, the LG leg might have moved while I was repositioning the model.  It;s a square brass peg in a square plastic hole...   so who knows.  Lots to do before I add the lg.

    • Like 3
  4. 18 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Thanks Gaz, what makes this one your favorite Japanese plane. Is it the design, which cries Heinkel or the use of the more or less copied 601 engine?
    From what I have seen, the Hasegawa KI-61 seems to be a good choice, go for it, it's the first Heinkel in NMF :D.

    Cheers Rob


    Well....   You're almost with me...   I refer to it as the Japanese 109.   As cool as the Heinkel is, it's just too historically insignificant to pique my interest.  Like the Dornier Do. 335.  To much "what might have been" and not enough 'really was'.

    • Like 3
  5. Hey all...

        Just got the word via Farcebook that the Ex-WNW crew are getting together to start their own model company without Peter Jackson.  Here is a link to the website...  which is under construction and doesn't tell exactly what they are working on:


    Or on Facebook:



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, DocRob said:

    What's the big thing about preseason football. I'm a die hard football fan too, but pre season bores me. It's only competitive training. Can't wait for September.
    But who care, when it leads to such a nice detail work in the end. The Marder is not a huge tank and with you reproducing wingnuts, I expect and unearthly level of detail. Gear and tracks look also good, with a perfect sag.

    Cheers Rob

    Thank you, Rob.  I'm usually not into pre-season football.  My team is different from the ownership down.  Our previous owner didn't care if we won or lost.  And when Martha Firestone Ford passed the team to her daughter, we finally got an owner interested in more than the money the team brings in.  So, we have new coaches and staff and there is a lot to look forward-to. 

    17 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    That’s really great detail work Gary. 
    And this will improve much the look of the finished model.

    The comparison foto is really very good. Clearly shows how small the Marder tank is!

    And like Rob said: awesome tracks! 

    Thank you, Kai.  I fear a lot of details will be unseen once I add crew.  But still, it is useful exercise to add them.

    16 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Nice work on the PE parts ... a true test of a steady hand and a good pairs of eyes.

    Being on my side of the pond, not sure if you are talking about preseason NFL Football of soccer. I did watch last night the NY Jets beat the NY Giants and I'm a Giant fan all the way. 🏉

    Keep 'em comin


    Thank you, Peter.  My super-duper X4.82 readers came in handy yesterday.  As a Detroit Lions fan...  I am familiar with suffering.

    14 hours ago, harv said:


    Thank you, Harv.  This meme...  makes me want to send some Fixodent your way...lol

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. Hello lads,

         Though football and lawn mowing dominated the day, I found some time for photo etch fun.  OK...   not really fun.  But still the kind of suffering we modellers willingly suffer.  Worked with some tiny parts and only lost one.   Here are some pics:




    Built a couple more ammo boxes...


    And...   I know that these tiny parts give no idea of how large this kit is.  So, I dry fitted the running gear and put it next to a younger relative...  for your comparative pleasure:



    Happy modelling!

    • Like 6
  8. 1 hour ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Ok that’s clear now Gary!

    What a mess is this kit when even the flaps and ailerons are wrong?

    I can’t believe how many mistakes Revell made. That’s Italeri-like…;)😁

    I think they did that because control surface is moveable...   like a toy.  But I am not totally discounting that maybe I did something wrong.  I'll know better this time around....   hopefully.

    • Like 4
  9. 54 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great surgery Gary! Do you also have some pictures? 
    How will you glue this onto the wing? Similar construction? 

    HI Kai,

       No pictures.  It doesn't look any different from previous photos.  The only difference was using copper wire instead of brass rod, and the depth that the wire was sunk into the rockets.  I'm just about out of .5mm brass rod so I needed a substitute.  The brass rod was a little straighter and stiffer, but the .7mm brass tube around the copper wire hides the copper wire, anyway.  We'll see how it looks under the new wings once they're assembled.  I've saved the old wings to use as templates for the new.


    I learned a few things with the old wings.  For instance, the hooks I added that hold the rocket via the fifth rod got broken off easily while I was working with the wings.  And the flaps...  are actually too narrow....  unless that's something else I messed up.  When flaps, ailerons, and cooling flaps are at the zero position, there are gaps on each side of the flaps between aileron and cooling flaps.  This is less noticeable when flaps are down and cooling flaps open.

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