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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 13 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Nice stash you have Gary! „Klein aber fein“ as we say in German.

    You really have a lot of WNW kits! I also have the Fokker DVII and the Wingmeng Dr.1. And I also see some rare kits: the 2 109s and some really nice 1/48 kits!

    I‘m not an expert on the armor side. I see the SdKfz 7/1. It’s one of the 2 armor models I have build. Especially the „Flakvierling“ is a really great kit. I build it back when I was 19 (40 years ago!) but still have it on one of my shelves.

    Like you I also love to get literature about the subjects I build. My collection is too big because I can’t stop. 
    Also my stash is too big to build it until the end of my life.

    But we are not only modelers but also collectors aren’t we? ;)


    Thank you, Kai.  Before I moved to Australia I had many books.  I sold some, but most were donated to a local library.  They were hard to part with. 

    At any rate.  If you want accurately detailed armor kits...  Dragon is the way to go.  Tamiya is nice, they leave some detail off.  Almost all of the Dragon kits you see were pre-owned.  Only one or two were bought brand new.  Belonging to a model club was the pathway to all of these Dragon kits.   When people have too many kits, they sell them for half-price or less, usually at club meetings.  It is easier and quicker than selling them via Ebay.

    I wish I had bought more WNW fighters.  But I was a short sighted.  And I kept waiting for WNW to make the Alb D. III and earlier fighters.  Instead they went off on a crazy tangent of large kits nobody wanted.  I got most of these after the collapse at close to retail.

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  2. I have a small stash.  Except for some two under construction, AM, and twenty or so complete or partial figure kits, it's all on this one set of shelves.


    Of course...  you'd have to have special powers to see much in that photo.  The shadow is cause by a fanblade on the ceiling fan.

    So....   some close ups:

    From the top:






    I have a small reference Library, too....   very small.  All of the flimsy paperback books aren't pictured...   they aren't much to look at from the end or side...



    I give away a lot of books.  I rarely read a book twice.  So if there aren't pics I wanna use...  I move em' on.



    • Like 9
  3. Discussing retirement with my wife recently, I learned she could retire at 60!  The damn mortgage won't be paid off until I'm 65...  and she'll have already had 3 years on retirement.  Yes...  I am jealous!


    But I don't really know if I'll retire.  Once the mortgage is paid I'll slip back to a three day week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I can't access my superannuation until I'm 67.  Those three days are the busiest days of the week.  Tuesday and Thursday can get a bit boring.  And there's nothing at the end of the day like knowing you don't have to be there the next day.


    But...   I like having money.  After I hit 67, I might drop back to a 16 hour week...  that's the minimum they'll allow.  I'm not a big fitness fanatic.  So, I need something to keep me vertical for a part of the week.  Otherwise, I might spend too much time sitting.  And it's good to have a reason to want to go home.  And working with people, most of  whom you find either incompetent, lazy, or annoying...   is a great motivator to go home.


    Broke, bored, and lonely doesn't sound like my idea of a good time.



    • Like 5
  4. 4 hours ago, Wumm said:

    Wife was constantly encouraging me to come to her workplace. Her job is 7 minutes from our home, they always seem to be hiring, the hourly pay rate is better and it's an 8 hour day come rain, hail or shine.


    That sounds like my workplace...   always hiring because the beginning job (assembling grocery orders) sucks.  But I've been there almost 19 years.  So, I have a better...   shitty job.

    • Like 5
  5. 7 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Thank you for the links. They are great and now I believe that Grafs plane had no blister on top of the canopy.



    Unfortunately I haven‘t found information regarding the thickness of the struts. They seem to be as thick as a thumb and have a round profile.

    Hope this helps…

    Thank you for the tip, Kai.  I probably already have that pic on file...  but I have so many, who can remember them all.  I took the calipers to my thumb and came up with 25MM.  Divided by 32 gives you a .78MM dimension.  This is funny...  I have .9MM tube and .7MM tube.   It is always the way.  If I decide not to buy tube...   but I probably will...   I would go with the thinner tube.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Forgot the pics of the rest of the kit:




    Have never seen a picture of the real plane with such a bubble on the canopy.

    Do you have one? 

    Thank you for the help!  If I can ask one more favor...   could you give me an idea how thick the support tubes/rods are?  And if they have an ovid cross section, or are perfectly round...  I would be very grateful.


    Regarding the blister on the canopy...  I have only a few pictures of Graf's aircraft which I borrowed from FalkeEins website.jg50Graf1.jpg.b7fc455425a059d735ec600bcc39774d.jpg

    The above photo shows something over the windshield looking like a blister on the glass.  I believe that it is a detail from the building behind the aircraft.

    In this second photo, I see nothing that indicates the blister.


    Honestly...    There are a handful of reasons as I pilot that I wouldn't want something distorting my vision upwards.  And I can't think of one reason for the blister to be there.   I think it's just wishful thinking on the part of the designer of the AM.


    Anyway...   here is a link to the FalkeEins page.



    Here is some nice artwork from a flightsim skin designer:


    This guy has lots of great looking Luftwaffe artwork.  I'll add a link for those who feel like having a look.



    Didn't you look??   Really...  it's definitely worth your time.


    • Like 1
  7. 50 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


    How right you are - the more you learn, the more there is to correct and do. It seems an never ending endeavor but you have it so nicely under control. Even the figures need work to be historically correct for your build; talk about accuracy.

    Amazing work

    Keep ‘em comin



    39 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    The deeper you search the more you find to add or correct. That’s the modeling-virus Gary. Seems we are all infected by it.

    Never saw the Wurfgranaten-Set with real metal parts. I only have a set for the Jagdgruppe 50 109s from AIMS. It even includes a template for correct assembly of the Ofenrohre to the wings.

    Is this the set you have?  Image from the net.

    With the pilot it’s the same like with your  Panzerkommandant: nobody will notice ! 
    The figure seems to have crisp detail and looks really nice with the Schirmmütze!


    Thank you Gents!

    Kai, I was quite happy to find the Wurfgranate 42 set at a local supplier.  I had been furiously trying to decide how I would build my own.  The directions for these Ofenrohre aren't specific to the 109.  So I'm lacking in that aspect.  Is this the set you have?


    I might have to fudge it a bit...  I haven't studied the Revell wing yet.  But it shouldn't be impossible.

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