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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. For days now, I've been concerned that Sternberg's mount wasn't painted in the factory scheme.   So, I made an analysis from the three best photos I have.  The Analysis shows three letters for color differences I have noticed.  L for light, M for medium, and D for dark...  coinciding with the shades of gray I can detect from the photos I have. 

    I put the analysis from a scan of a paint guide I found online.  There are three question marks on the stbd wing because most of the photos are taken from port.  But I am convinced that a third color is used.  Detil on the tailplane is pretty hard to figure as it only shows in two of the photos, and there is a sheen there preventing greater study.

    I'll attach four photos I used to make this analysis, too.  I'm not really keen on repainting, but I think I must.   I'd appreciate any ideas that come into your minds.






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  2. 17 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Great effect with the rib tape. I wouldn't have thought, that the thin decals show through the paint that much. The mottling is muy bueno too.

    Cheers Rob

    Thank you.  Even the tiniest mote of dust can mar a finish.  I don;t mind the look...  but I donlt know if it's really any better than other representations.

    17 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Looking mighty good and the rib tapes work perfectly

    Keep 'em comin


    Thank you, Peter!

    7 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great mottling-job, Gaz! I love it!

    And very subtle effect at the ribs! Well done ! 

    Thank you, Kai!

    2 hours ago, krow113 said:

    Yes , very well mottled.

    Thanks, Steve!

    • Like 4
  3. Mine aren't a model either.  They're absolutely, hands down, the best drill bits I've ever used for modelling.  Super sharp, they bite into styrene better than any HSS drill bits I've ever had.  I use .35MM predominantly as it works well for rigging and the .2mm copper wire I have a spool of.


    I haven't found anything like them for sale here in Australia, and it's the one thing I'll pay crazy shipping rates for.



    • Like 7
    • Thanks 2
  4. Anyway....

    A bit of decal drudgery.

    I believe that the only detail you can really see on fabric covered surfaces is the rib tapes, and maybe some stitching.  But that wavy fabric look is just way off.    So, after sanding the fabric covered surfaces smooth and adding a coat of paint, I have some rib tapes.  WNW rib tapes.


    Most of the strips are meant to be 6mm long on ailerons and elevators.  Still, I managed to make each one a bit different in length to the next one.  Anyway...  once paint is on, it should be alright.  Later, during the weathering process, I'll lightly highlight them with a pinwash.







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  5. 3 minutes ago, Bomber_County said:

    Love the bow wave, absolutely stunning Gaz..........hmmmmm I wonder......

    To make that...  I used cotton balls....  or cotton wool depending on where you grew up...  acrylic gel medium, and something cylindrical for it to lay and dry on.   It was so long ago, I'm not even sure of the process...  but others have done much better. 

    Since then, with the advent of UV light cured gels, i can imagine that I will use them to speed up the process.

    • Like 4
  6. 8 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

    you have to tell us how you did the sea scape.........

    The sea scape is in it's early stages.  After outlining the ship, I just placed blobs of acrylic-based modelling paste in a random manner.  It dries white and shrinks a little bit...  I've used the same stuff for Zimmerit, incidentally...  and I suspect that perfect plastic putty is the same thing...  but I digress....


    The rest was just airbrushing cheap acrylic tube paints in various shades of green and blue.  IN the area where the propellers have churned the water, I painted it a bit lighter.  There really is a lot to do on it, yet.


    This is my first seascape, using the same materials:




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  7. 1 hour ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    I didn't end up starting the sub. Instead I've decided on something more complex involving my LSM Christmas raffle prizes from the last two years. 


    The year before I got a Special Hobby Tempest from Harv. It came with a resin engine but I picked up the Barracuda nose for it. Then last year I got the PCM kit from Krow so I thought I might as well put that engine to use. Should be interesting.

    Awww....  I was looking fora warship buddy.  Anyway...  should be cool to watch you put them together.

    • Like 5
  8. 6 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

    We need more ship builds here, but just remember, MSW is there for ships, so cross post as needed.

    Plus remember, 1/48 is cool here. We ain't anal. just build 'em big, and build on a large scale.  :)

    Not like me, with my meager production.

    On that Corsair, I have a feeling I'll have spent more time on the cockpit and engine than I did on the entire rest of the build.  the center section is like a kid's snap together kit.


    Who is MSW?

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