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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    But don’t misunderstand me Gaz:

    It‘s up to you to decide. Nobody can really tell what it is except the maintenance personnel who did maintenance on the plane....

    Thank you for those images.  They're very helpful.  That area has plagued my mind.  I now wonder if the exhaust stains haven't put enough lighter shades over the black area to make it look confusing.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    But it looks as if there’s a black painted surface below the stain, Gaz.

    Look at the enlarged picture: an exhaust-stain will never create such a sharp demarcation line:


    I have noticed that.  But it is such an irregular shape that I haven't decided how to treat it. It only appears to be a meter long or so, and doesn't seem to go all the way to the exhaust stubs.


    I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't some sort of repair that has been painted over.  The shape I see below:



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  3. 2 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    The blending in looks gorgeous to me Gaz! Beautiful looking surfaces. Quite realistic.

    Regarding the exhaust stains to my personal gusto it looks a little bit too much. I‘ve found no foto of a 190 A with really heavy exhaust staining. But it’s up to you and maybe I‘m wrong...


    6 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Like the Dude said in 'The Big Lebowski' about his rug, 'It really tied the room together'. That's what the blending mist did. By reducing the contrast, it enhanced the reality appearance, great.
    With the exhaust staining, I'm with Kai, a little too much for my liking and the density of the side stains doesn't reduce to the end of the staining marks.

    Cheers Rob

    Guys, thanks for your input.  Generally I don't like big exhaust stains.  But the evidence below really points in one direction.





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  4. Thank you everyone for the great comments.  Today was time for some airbrush effects.  First was a grey misting of the entire upper surfaces to blend and and reduce the contrast of white and black decals.  I also wanted to turn the greens a bit closer to grays.

    The exhaust streaking was added at the same time.

    And on the ventral side, I added some exhaust and minor dirt effects to the lower areas with the airbrush as well.   This is all a a precursor to oils.


    Please tell me if if you think I've gone over the top with this step.





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  5. 7 hours ago, DocRob said:

    I still have no idea, how to clean the mini wheel struts off the residues of te jig, after carefully snipping it away.


         This is the perfect place for the electric toothbrush and double sided tape.  You can have some of the tape and sandpaper actually outside the wheel, allowing you to work in places about 1/3 inch high.  Keeping your touch light, the abrasive can do the work with almost no pressure on the strut.



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  6. 3 hours ago, Wumm said:

    the entire 2nd Panzer Division went into arguably the largest Tank battle ever staged with only 87 serviceable Tanks! 

    No wonder they were happy to see the 505th Tigers!


    That's not an unusual number.  A Panzer Div only had one regiment of tanks.  After the fall of France, each Panzer division had to give up one regiment of tanks to form a new panzer division.

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  7. 2 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    Yup, same here in Toronto. Not as bad a hike. $1.14/litre to fill up yesterday. It was closer to a loonie a couple weeks ago. 

    Currently  $1.30 Aussie bucks here right now.   A few weeks ago could get it for $1.06 on a wednesday.  But staying up now.  Weekend prices are $1.50 to $1.60 per litre...  and we're not talking Premium.  And right now your dollar is .97 cents of ours.

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