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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Problem is, my daughter is finishing up grad school and won’t have time to cut my stencils until after she’s done in 2-3 weeks. I was hoping to have it done by then to give to my Doc May 8th at my next appointment. I’ve got another set of gray, but I’d have to spray a white base first.
  2. And this is not good. I had these custom made about 13 years back. I’m trying to wrap up this F-16D build. Ive got a few areas where the decal refuses to lay down. Big bubble without any air in it. between the two O’s and above the R. I could put a tiny slit in the decal and let something soak in. But what? FWIW, I forgot how Alps printed decals will swell up with Micro Sol but not shrink back down. So yea, damaged from Micro Sol. I think my only other option is to see if my daughter can cut me some stencils with her vinyl cutting machine and just paint this on now.
  3. Ok, to answer my own question, new paint is two tone. And the funny thing is, FS36270 is almost an exact match for Tamiya gray spray primer. I thought I was spraying water only at first.
  4. Quick question about the colors on this one. I guess I’m use to painting the older F-16’s, but are they now just two colors? FS 36270 on the bottom, vertical tail and forward of the darker FS36118? FS36375 no longer used?
  5. $2.36 a gallon is our lowest price at Sam’s Club. Highest in the area is $2.59
  6. LOL!! Because they never get built and stay in the stash pile neatly packed away in a square box.
  7. Looking good! I gotta get back into a Phantom build soon.
  8. Yep, I spent the last two weekends trimming the shrubs around the house after my Caribbean cruise vacation. I think my timing was perfect. Last year I kept putting it off until it was just too damned hot outside to do hard work like this. It's a great feeling knowing this is done now until late summer when I need to touch them up. Although I do still have one 30' Holley bush/tree that needs to be trimmed back. Not sure how I'm going to attack that one without a lift since it is up against my house. Might just borrow the 16' extension ladder from work and cut it back to about 10'
  9. We have primer! Then I realized the kit came a left hand sniper pod and I need a right hand, so had to place an order with Sprue Brothers.
  10. Oh boy.....Between the next B-24 on the way, the announcement of the IM Stearman PT-13 and now this....... ....its gonna be an expensive year.
  11. Always wanted to build one of those since I saw Red Dawn many years ago. But 1/35 Helicopters start taking up real estate in a display case quickly with those rotors. I keep my helo's down to 1/48. Your build is absolutely fantastic.
  12. Picture time! Here's my modified gear legs. Locking arms separated. End of locking are pin out of box Modified for new angle
  13. I figured out the pivot points on the main gear last night. Simply used my razor saw and cut the end off, turned it a few degrees and re-glued it. For the little bracket that forces the pivot when retracting, that was a little tricky. I had to cut the part in two at the joint and add them to the legs one piece at a time. Tonight (hopefully) I'll work on the locking arm that now has to be in a folded position. I'm not making mine as far up in the wheel wells as the ones in the pics posted. Slicing these "microscopic" parts and repositioning them is really trying my patience and the arthritis in my hand! My Pana-Vise has really paid off with this build. Forgot to get pics last night during the process. I'll get some and update the thread this evening.
  14. Requires a paid subscription to his website. I joined to watch, the found out it requires an upgrade. Oh well, I’ll muddle through it.
  15. Thanks for the images! That is extremely helpful and great timing. I'm starting on this tonight.
  16. Back from out cruise to Mexico and Belize and finally got some bench time in yesterday and today. Of course I spent several hours hunting down the rear cockpit instrument panel and one of the ejection seats after my cat decided someone needed to work on my model while I was away. I had given up on the seat, and as luck would have it, it mysteriously fell to the floor under the table as I was robbing one from another kit!
  17. Ernie, that bench is wayyyy tooo small of a bench for the big 1/32 kits. Need to start over with a 4X8 sheet of 3/4 Baltic Birch ply and make something that will hold a B-17/24 Lancaster! I'm actually thinking about doing this myself. Currently using one of the generic cafeteria tables with the fold down legs. When I wanted to get into the mag fed .308 world, my local 'smith wanted to build me a FAL as you described. Only reason I resisted was because the M1a I was looking at had a much better trigger than his worked over FAL. M1a was the 9222 "Fully Loaded" with the NM trigger and other parts. I wound up going with the M1a. But like all my other guns these days, all safe queens now. I just never have time to go shooting anymore.
  18. I have a gut feeling I'm going to feel the same pain one day. We've been discussing the future of the '66 GT Fastback. With 4 kids, 2 being boys, we don't want a bunch of family infighting over a car. And at one point the wife wants to relocate to a lake home. I think I might have to turn the '66 into a down payment. We're pretty safe at this point since none of the boys have a place to store/safely park it and I'm still not ready to give it up. But one day the time will come. I sure can't take it with me in the end.
  19. Welcome Rodolfo! I was just down in Mexico last week on a cruise. Spent a day in Cozumel and a day in Costa Maya.
  20. I turned this... Into this... Of course it has been a 20 year adventure so far and I still have to rip out the 9" center section and put in a new one along with a rear disc upgrade. I built this one back around 1985 And did this one at the same time My everyday driver.... My first car back in high school....
  21. I swear I posted this last night, but don’t see it now. But back when mine was clean....
  22. It won’t crank up with the fob that far away. Try it. I hate early morning start up to warm it up. Get out of the car and the horn beeps twice. I hate that useless feature. If I bought an automatic I could crank it up from inside the house. But automatic.... bleh!
  23. OMG! I hate keys now!!! Fob in pocket, grab door handle to unlock. Touch handle to lock it. No keys dangling and tickling my knee. I’m so use to it the wife always yells at me for not unlocking her car doors as we approach. So use to not hitting the fob button on my Mustang.
  24. I've often thought that if faced with the same situation, I would do a "Final farewell tour" and start calling up old friends and people I've pissed off in the past. Then again, I'd be torn to spend as much time with my family as I possibly could before the end.
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